List of New York City Literary Agents | Literary Agencies NYC
Literary Agencies NYC – How many literary agencies are in New York City? Which book agencies are best in New York City? And, what’s the best way to find New York City publishing agencies looking for new writers and clients? Use the free List of Literary Agents below to find all NYC literary agencies. For example, authors have used our literary agent database to get offers of representation with New York City publishing agents including: Jennifer DeChiara with Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency, Donald Maass with Donald Maass Literary Agency, and Jennifer Lyons with Jennifer Lyons with Jennifer Lyons Literary Agency. The official Directory of Literary Agents™ has bios and contact information for all New York City book agencies, including the Best Literary Agents at the Top Literary Agencies in NYC.
In addition to New York City literary agencies, you can use our literary agency database for all other Literary Agents Near Me searches. For example: NYC Literary Agents, Los Angeles Literary Agents, and DC Literary Agents. Our Literary Agent Database and Directory has profiles for all writer representatives in the USA, not just New York City. Our list is comprehensive and includes both established and new author representatives. It also includes writer representatives with independent book agents working at Boutique Literary Agencies, as well as large book agencies. Scroll below to find all NYC literary agencies and literary agents. You’ll also find important facts and statistics about New York City book agencies and author representatives.
Are Literary Agencies in NYC the Best?
Most successful literary agencies are located in New York City, but not all of them. Why are most of the best agents in NYC? Because most of the large traditional, mainstream, or secular publishers are located in NYC. Since the main function of literary agents is to sell authors’ books to publishers, it makes sense for serious literary agents to live in New York City. If you want to fish–and get paid to fish–it makes sense to put your boat afloat where there are lots of fish.
If you’re a literary agent and your agency isn’t in NYC, it’s that much harder to: familiarize yourself with the affinities and proclivities of the editors working at the publishing houses that buy books. And it’s that much harder to develop relationships with those acquiring editors. Agents outside Manhattan can make trips to NYC to meet editors at their offices, meet them at publishing industry events like Book Expo America, and make contact or stay in touch with editors via email and phone–but it isn’t the same.
You know the expression: Out of sight, out of mind.
The bottom line is literary agents in NYC have three important advantages, simply because of their proximity to editors and publishers.
- They often get more time for their pitches
- They often get more feedback on their pitches
- They often get better terms for their authors
However, before you decide you’re only going to query NYC literary agencies, consider the following:
- There are many successful literary agencies in the areas surrounding NYC such as New Jersey, etc.
- Some successful literary agencies and literary agents used to live in NYC, then moved for personal reasons, such as to take care of their ailing mother, etc. They’re significantly better than those who’ve only been to New York occasionally–or never at all.
- Many successful literary agencies that have one foot in the book business and the other in the rest of the entertainment world such as television and feature film are headquartered elsewhere. See Literary Agencies in California.
- Most faith-based publishers (barring those that are simply “imprints” of the major secular publishers, and, therefore, literary agencies are not located in New York. They’re in Tennessee, and elsewhere.
List of NYC Literary Agencies – Finding a Literary Agent
- 3 Arts Entertainment
- A Literary Agency for Children’s Books
- A+B Works
- Abrams Artists Agency
- Aevitas Creative Management
- AGI Vigliano Literary, LLC
- Anderson Literary Management
- Ann Elmo Agency
- Ann Rittenberg Literary Agency
- Anne Edelstein Literary Agency
- Aragi Agency
- Avenue A Literary
- Ayesha Pande Literary
- Bankoff Collaborative
- Barbara Braun Associates
- Barbara Hogenson Agency
- Barbara Kouts Literary Agency
- Baror International
- Barry Goldblatt Literary (BG Literary)
- Beth Vesel Literary Agency
- Blanche C. Gregory
- Blauner Books Literary Agency
- Bleecker Street Associates
- Bob Mecoy Literary Agency
- Brands-to-Books Literary Agency
- Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents
- Bresnick Weil Literary Agency
- Brockman Literary Agency
- Brower Literary & Management
- Canton Smith Agency
- Carnicelli Literary Management
- Carol Mann Agency
- Cathy Hemming Literary Agency
- Chalberg & Sussman Literary Agency
- Charlotte Sheedy Literary Agency
- Chase Literary Agency
- Chris Calhoun Agency
- Compass Talent
- Connor Literary Agency
- Corvisiero Literary Agency
- Creative Artists Agency
- Creative Media Agency, Inc.
- Cullen Stanley International Agency
- Curtis Brown Literary Agency
- Darhansoff & Verrill Literary Agents
- Davey Literary & Media Management
- David Black Agency
- Dee Mura Literary Agency
- DeFiore and Company
- Denise Shannon Literary Agency
- DH Literary
- Diana Finch Literary Agency
- Dominick Abel Literary Agency
- Don Congdon Associates
- Donald Maass Literary Agency
- Dunham Literary
- Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency
- Dystel, Goderich & Bourret, LLC
- Eden Street Literary Agency
- Edmison/Harper Literary Scouting
- Edythea Ginis Selman Agency
- Einstein Literary Management
- Elaine Koster Literary Agency
- Elyse Cheney Literary Associates
- Emilie Stewart Literary Agency
- Emma Sweeney Agency
- Empire Literary
- Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency
- Fairbank Literary Representation
- Faith Childs Literary Agency
- FinePrint Literary Management
- Firebrand Literary
- Fletcher & Company
- Folio Literary Management
- Foundry Literary + Media
- Fox Literary
- Frances Goldin Literary Agency
- Fraser-Bub Literary
- Fredrica S. Friedman & Co.
- G Agency
- Gandolfo Helin & Fountain Literary Management
- Gelfman Schneider/ICM
- Georges Borchardt Literary Agency
- Gina Maccoby Literary Agency
- Glass Literary Management
- Global Literary Management
- Goodman Associates
- Hannigan Salky Getzler Agency
- Hansen Literary Agency
- Harold Ober Associates
- Harold Schmidt Literary Agency
- Harvey Klinger
- Helen Pratt Literary Agency
- Hopkins Literary Associates
- Howard Morhaim Literary Agency
- Indent Literary Agency
- Inko Inc.
- InkWell Management
- International Creative Management
- Irene Goodman Literary Agency
- Irene Skolnick Agency
- Jabberwocky Literary Agency
- James Fitzgerald Agency
- Jane Rotrosen Agency
- Janis Donnaud and Associates
- Janis Vallely Literary Agency
- Janklow & Nesbit Associates
- Jason Yarn Literary Agency
- Jean Naggar Literary Agency
- Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency
- Jennifer Lyons Literary Agency
- Jill Grinberg Literary Management
- Jill Grosjean Literary Agency
- Joanna Pulcini Literary Management
- John Campbell Agency, LLC
- John Hawkins & Associates
- Jud Laghi Agency
- Judith Ehrlich Literary Management
- Judith Riven Literary Agency
- Julia Lord Literary Management
- Karen Gantz Zahler Literary Agency
- Karpfinger Agency
- Kathi Paton Literary Agency
- Kathryn Green Literary Agency
- Kirsten Manges Literary
- L. Perkins Agency (Lori Perkins Agency)
- Larry Weissman Literary
- Laura Dail Literary Agency
- Laura Langlie Agency
- Leigh Feldman Literary
- Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency
- Linda Chester Literary Agency
- Linda Konner Literary Agency
- Linnan Literary Management
- Literary Artists Representatives
- Literary Counsel
- Liza Dawson Associates
- Liza Royce Agency
- LKG Agency
- Loretta Barrett Books
- Louise Ketz Agency
- Lowenstein Associates
- Lucinda Literary
- Lukeman Literary Management
- Lynn Franklin Associates
- Lynne Rabinoff Associates
- MacKenzie Wolf Literary Agency
- Malaga Baldi Literary Agency
- Mansion Street Literary Management
- Marcia Amsterdam Agency
- Marcil-O’Farrell Literary, LLC
- Maria Carvainis Agency
- Marianne Strong Literary Agency
- Marie Brown Associates
- Marly Rusoff & Associates
- Martha Kaplan Agency
- Mary Anne Thompson Associates
- Mary Evans Literary Agency
- Massie & McQuilkin
- Maura Teitelbaum Literary & Consulting
- Maxine Groffsky Literary Agency
- McCarthy Creative Services
- McCormick Literary
- McGinniss Associates Literary Agency
- McIntosh & Otis Literary Agency
- McKinnon McIntyre
- Melanie Jackson Agency
- Mendel Media Group
- Menza-Barron Literary Agency
- Meredith Bernstein Literary Agency
- Miller Bowers Griffin Literary Management
- Mitch Douglas Literary Agency
- Movable Type Management
- Mullane Literary
- Myers Literary Management
- Nancy Yost Literary Agency
- New Leaf Literary & Media, Inc.
- Orchard Literary
- Painted Words
- Paradigm Literary and Talent Agency
- Patricia van der Leun Literary Agency
- Pen and Ink Literary
- Peter Lampack Agency
- Philip Spitzer Literary Agency
- Pinder Lane & Garon-Brooke Associates
- Pippin Properties
- Publication Riot Group
- Queen Literary Agency
- Quill Shift Literary Agency
- Raines & Raines
- Regal Hoffmann & Associates
- Regina Ryan Publishing Enterprises
- Richard Curtis Associates
- Richard Henshaw Group
- Rita Rosenkranz Literary Agency
- RLR Associates
- Robin Straus Agency
- Root Literary
- Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
- Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
- Sarah Lazin Books
- Schiavone Literary Agency
- Scott Meredith Agency
- Scott Treimel New York Agency
- Scovil Galen Ghosh Literary Agency
- Sean McCarthy Literary Agency
- Serendipity Literary Agency
- Sheldon Fogelman Agency
- Signature Literary Agency
- Sobel Weber Associates
- Spartan LA
- Spectrum Literary Agency
- Steele-Perkins Literary Agency
- Sterling Lord Literistic
- Stonesong Literary Agency
- Straus Literary
- Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency
- Susan Schulman Literary Agency
- Susanna Lea Associates
- Talbot Fortune Agency
- The Aaron M. Priest Literary Agency
- The Axelrod Agency
- The Bent Agency
- The Betsy Nolan Literary Agency
- The Blumer Literary Agency
- The Book Group
- The Cea
- The Chudney Agency
- The Clegg Agency
- The Cynthia Cannell Literary Agency
- The Damaris Rowland Agency
- The Elizabeth Kaplan Literary Agency
- The Fischer-Harbage Agency
- The Friedrich Agency
- The Gernert Company
- The Guma Agency
- The Herman Agency
- The Joy Harris Literary Agency
- The Leshne Agency
- The Loewenthal Company
- The Lotts Agency
- The Martell Agency
- The McVeigh Agency
- The Ned Leavitt Agency
- The Park Literary Group
- The Reiter Agency
- The Robbins Office
- The Rohm Literary Agency
- The Roman Group
- The Seymour Agency
- The Spieler Agency
- The Strothman Agency
- The Stuart Agency
- The Susan Rabiner Literary Agency
- The Tessler Literary Agency
- The Tomasino Agency
- The Unter Agency
- The Williams Company
- The Wylie Agency
- The Zoe Pagnamenta Agency
- Thompson Literary Agency
- Tracy Brown Literary Agency
- Trident Media Group
- Union Literary
- United Talent Agency (UTA)
- Upstart Crow Literary
- Valerie Smith Literary Agency
- Veritas Media
- Vicky Bijur Literary Agency
- Victoria Sanders & Associates
- Watkins Loomis Agency
- Waxman Literary Agency
- Weingel-Fidel Agency
- Wendy Schmalz Agency
- Wendy Sherman Associates
- Wernick & Pratt Agency
- Whimsy Literary Agency
- William Morris Endeavor Entertainment
- Wm Clark Associates
- Wolfson Literary Agency
- Writers House
- Writers’ Representatives
Top NYC Literary Agencies – Finding the Best Book Agents
See the top NYC literary agencies below:
- Aaron Priest Literary Agency (New York, NY)
- Abrams Artists Agency (New York, NY)
- Aevitas Creative Management (New York, NY)
- AGI Vigliano Literary (New York, NY)
- Anderson Literary Management (New York, NY)
- Barry Goldblatt Literary (Brooklyn, NY)
- Brockman Literary Agency (New York, NY)
- Carol Mann Agency (New York, NY)
- Curtis Brown Literary Agency (New York, NY)
- David Black Literary Agency (Brooklyn, NY)
- DeFiore and Company (New York, NY)
- Donald Maass Literary Agency (New York, NY)
- Dunow, Carlson & Lerner (New York, NY)
- Dystel & Goderich Literary Management (New York, NY)
- Elyse Cheney Agency (New York, NY)
- Fletcher & Company (New York, NY)
- Folio Literary Management (New York, NY)
- Foundry Literary + Media (New York, NY)
- Fredrica S. Friedman and Company (New York, NY)
- Gelfman Schneider/ICM (New York, NY)
- Harvey Klinger (New York, NY)
- Howard Morhaim Literary Agency (Brooklyn, NY)
- ICM – International Creative Management (New York, NY)
- Inkwell Management (New York, NY)
- Irene Goodman Agency (New York, NY)
- Jane Rotrosen Agency (New York, NY)
- Janis A. Donnaud & Associates (New York, NY)
- Janklow & Nesbit Associates (New York, NY)
- Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency (New York, NY)
- Jill Grinberg Literary Management (Brooklyn, NY)
- Larry Weissman Literary (Brooklyn, NY)
- Laura Dail Literary Agency (New York, NY)
- Linda Chester Literary Agency (New York, NY)
- Liza Dawson Associates (New York, NY)
- Marly Rusoff & Associates (Bronxville, NY)
- Mendel Media Group (New York, NY)
- Nancy Yost Literary Agency (New York, NY)
- New Leaf Literary & Media (New York, NY)
- Paradigm Literary and Talent (New York, NY)
- Pippin Properties (New York, NY)
- Sanford J. Greenburger Associates (New York, NY)
- Scovil Galen Ghosh Literary Agency (New York, NY)
- Sterling Lord Literistic (New York, NY)
- Stonesong Literary Agency (New York, NY)
- Susan Rabiner Literary Agency (New York, NY)
- The Bent Agency (New York, NY)
- The Gernert Company (New York, NY)
- The Strothman Agency (New York, NY)
- The Stuart Agency (New York, NY)
- Thompson Literary Agency (New York, NY)
- Trident Media Group (New York, NY)
- UTA – United Talent Agency (New York, NY)
- Waxman Literary Agency (New York, NY)
- Wendy Sherman Associates (New York, NY)
- William Morris Endeavor (New York, NY)
- Writers House (New York, NY)
- Zoe Pagnamenta Agency (Brooklyn, NY)
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NYC Literary Agency Facts and Statistics
Finding accurate information about NYC literary agencies and New York City literary agents is easy using our free publishing agents directory. Here are some of the important facts and statistics you’ll find inside:
- 288 of the 600+ literary agencies in the USA (more than 1/3) are in NYC or New York
- 834 of the 1,300+ individual book agents in the U.S. (2/3) are in NYC or New York
- The 102 author representatives in New York but NOT in Manhattan are located in: Brooklyn (43), Riverdale (8), Canton (5), Hudson (4), Massapequa Park (3), Stone Ridge (3), Bronx (2), Bronxville (2), Chatham (2), Dobbs Ferry (2), East Hampton (2), Medusa (2), Armonk (1), Bellport (1), Billings (1), Briarcliff Manor (1), Bridgehampton (1), Canandaigua (1), Chappaqua (1), Forest Hills (1), Hastings (1), Larchmont (1), Mamaroneck (1), Manhasset, Modena, Nyack (1), Ossining (1), Rhinebeck (1), Rochester (1), Sag Harbor (1), Scarsdale (1), and Thornwood (1)
- 754 of the book agents with literary agencies NYC accept queries for adult fiction
- 723 of the publishing agents with literary agencies NYC accept queries for nonfiction books
- 512 of the literary agents with literary agencies NYC accept queries for children’s books
- 262 of the 834 book agents at literary agencies NYC are members of the AAR
- 18 of the publishing agents with literary agencies NYC only accept submissions by referral
- 696 of the writer representatives with literary agencies NYC accept email queries
- 304 of the book agents with literary agencies NYC accept postal mail queries
- 108 of the publishing agents with literary agencies NYC accept queries via online forms on their websites
- 226 of the 288 literary agencies NYC have websites
- 560 of the book agents with literary agencies NYC are on LinkedIn
- 552 of the publishing agents with literary agencies NYC are on Twitter
- 122 of the book agents with literary agencies NYC are on Facebook
NYC Literary Agencies Near Me – Find a Literary Agent
The most common literary agencies near me searches for NY are:
- NYC Book Agents (see link above)
- Albany Literary Agents
- Buffalo Literary Agents
- Rochester Literary Agents
Submit Your Book to NYC Literary Agencies and Literary Agents
- Categorize your book for NYC book agents in the best way using our free Guide to Book Genres.
- Prepare your query letter for NYC publishing agents using our How to Write a Query Letter Guide.
- Find literary agencies in NYC using our comprehensive, up-to-date, and easy-to-use Literary Agency Directory and Database to make sure your queries are received and to have the best chance of getting a book agent. Other print and online literary agent lists, directories, and databases with information about NYC literary agencies are often incomplete and outdated.
Scroll below for free, instant access.
Enter the Free Book Agents Directory – Find NYC Literary Agents
Use our literary agencies directory and database to find book agents by all locations including NYC. You can also use our list of publishing agents to find author representative by book genre, AAR status, and more. Enter your first name and email address below for free, instant access to the following:
- 1,000+ listings of all author representatives including those in NYC
- Detailed literary agent bios for all NYC writer representatives
- List of book genres that each NYC book agent is seeking
- AAR membership status for all NYC writer representatives
- Preferred query method(s) such as email, online form, postal mail
- Query email addresses for all NYC author representatives
- Postal mail addresses for all NYC writer representatives
- Photos of all NYC author representatives
- Links to all literary agencies NYC websites
- Links to all social media accounts for all NYC book agents
- Maps to the offices of all NYC author representatives