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Literary Agent Directory
Important: Visit each agent’s website (links in their listings below) to see if they’re open to submissions before querying.
Danielle Bukowski is a literary agent with Sterling Lord Literistic. Danielle represents critically acclaimed, award-winning fiction and nonfiction. She is particularly looking for narratives from writers traditionally excluded from the publishing industry. For fiction, she likes books that balance plot with voice, have a strong sense of place, a unique hook, and are stylistically bold; for nonfiction, sheÕs looking for work grounded in the authorÕs personal interest, rigorously reported and researched, and will expand the readerÕs view of the world. Recent and forthcoming books include Sea Change by Gina Chung (Vintage), A Haunting on the Hill by Elizabeth Hand (Mulholland), Victim by Andrew Boryga (Doubleday), Loneliness & Company by Charlee Dyroff (Bloomsbury), People of Means by Nancy Johnson (William Morrow), Alligator Tears: A Memoir-in-Essays by Edgar Gomez (Crown 2025), I Leave it Up to You by Jinwoo Chong (Ballantine), and Mutual Interest by Olivia Wolfgang-Smith (Bloomsbury).
Accepting Submissions | Member of the AALA |Commercial Fiction | Fantasy | General Fiction | Horror | LGBTQ Fiction | Literary Fiction | Mystery | Romance | Science Fiction | Upmarket Fiction | Women’s Fiction |General Nonfiction | History | Journalism | LGBTQ Nonfiction | Memoir | Narrative Nonfiction | Pop Culture | Travel |
Cindy Bullard is a literary agent with and the founder of Birch Literary. Cindy opened Birch Literary in 2021, to help other writers on their own path to publication. (She writes under a pen name.)
CLOSED to Submissions | New Literary Agents | Environment | Humor Nonfiction | Mind Body Spirit | Narrative Nonfiction | Nature | Religion | Science | Self-Help | Sports | True Crime |
Sobi-Dee Burbano is a literary agent at LCS Literary Services. She earned her AssociateÕs Degree in Arts, but her true passion has always been reading. She discovered a love for books as a child and that has carried on through adulthood. When she is not caring for her young children, as a mother of two, the kindle is her best friend. She loves reading romance of all genres including fantasy and paranormal. Sobi is excited to work with aspiring authors and is now actively building her list. She is looking for unputdownable stories with bold, courageous characters who take you down an emotional journey of perseverance. She enjoys getting lost in a great drama-filled fantasy and also hopes to escape into a romance that makes her fall in love with love again.
Accepting Submissions | New Literary Agents | Member of the AALA |Middle Grade Fiction | Young Adult Fiction | Commercial Fiction | Contemporary Fiction | Crime Fiction | Family Saga | Fantasy | General Fiction | Historical Fiction | Horror | Humor Fiction | Literary Fiction | Mystery | New Adult Fiction | Paranormal Fiction | Romance | Science Fiction | Speculative Fiction | Thriller | Women’s Fiction |
Danielle Burby is a literary agent with and the founder of the Mad Woman Literary Agency. Before founding Mad Woman Literary Agency, Danielle spent over a decade developing her skills in agenting and subsidiary rights and building an incredible client roster.
_Danielle’s focus as an agent is on a strong sense of partnership and collaboration. She brings her own unique mix of business-minded and emotionally rooted support to clients and represents a diverse list of critically acclaimed and New York Times bestselling authors with stellar voices, incredible storytelling skills, and fresh narratives to share.
Accepting Submissions | Member of the AALA |Middle Grade Fiction | Young Adult Fiction | Action Adventure | BIPOC Fiction | Chick Lit | Family Saga | LGBTQ Fiction | Magical Realism | Romance | Women’s Fiction |
Meagan Burgad is a literary agent with SBR Media. She grew up as a voracious reader in rural North Dakota. As a military spouse, she has over 11 moves under her belt. A graduate of Hawaii Pacific University, Meagan has her BA in English, which has allowed her to work in the book industry for over a decade. In the past, Meagan has been the editor of a peer-reviewed journal, Hawaii Pacific Review; written reviews and TV recaps for Random House; blogged for Love Between the Sheets; edited and beta read for bestselling authors; managed social media for a library and bookshop; and freelanced for numerous publications. Meagan joined SBRMedia where she continues to expand her skill set. She is especially excited to work with authors who focus on creative non-fiction, erotica, fantasy, historical, humor/satire, LGBTQ+, new adult, romance, science fiction, celebrity, memoir, military, narrative, pop culture, and travel.
Accepting Submissions | New Literary Agents | Member of the AALA |Erotic Fiction | Fantasy | Historical Fiction | Humor Fiction | LGBTQ Fiction | New Adult Fiction | Romance | Satire | Science Fiction |General Nonfiction | Biography | Celebrity | LGBTQ Nonfiction | Memoir | Military War Nonfiction | Narrative Nonfiction | Pop Culture | Travel | True Crime |
Jenni Burke is a literary agent with the Illuminate Literary Agency. She is on a mission to see authors truly thrive, so their words and lives can make a deep and lasting impact in the world for good.
Her love of books and Jesus led her into the Christian publishing industry in 2003. After guiding a wide range of manuscripts through Multnomah PublisherÕs editorial department, Jenni moved to the other side of the publishing desk in 2006 to help Don Jacobson start a literary agency, D.C. Jacobson & Associates. As the agency grew over the next 13 years, JenniÕs career progressed from an author relations manager, to associate agent, to senior literary agent, before she stepped into her current role as president and owner in 2019. Jenni rebranded the agency to ILLUMINATE in 2020.
Now, sheÕs championing authors in a new role with Illuminate Literary Agency, and delivering the same quality service that her clients and publishing partners have always valued.
ÒAuthors are my heroes,Ó Jenni says. ÒIt takes a great deal of courage and perseverance to write and promote a book you believe in. I feel honored to get to lift up people whoÕve been entrusted with life-changing messages,Ó she says.
Seeking: This year, Jenni is looking to add just one or two select clients who are exceptionally strong in what she calls The Four Cs: Concept (message, angle), Craft (writing skill), and Crowd (platform, network), and Character (work ethic, fit).
Theme Verse: When Jonathan is considering a bold, audacious move up a steep cliff to take new territory, his armor-bearer says to him: ÒDo all that you have in mind. Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul,Ó (1 Samuel 14:7). Jenni wants to be that kind of champion for her clients as they pursue their God-given passions.
Tell me a bit more: JenniÕs degree is in English Communication and Business Administration from Corban University. She is a native Central Oregonian, where she lives with her husband SethÑa counselorÑand their two young children, William and Violet. She enjoys getting her hands in the dirt with her family, ministering with her local community, or planning her next trip to Italy. After a long day working on books, Jenni likes to relax withÉ a book. Jenni has combined two of her passionsÑlifting up Christian communicators and spending time in ItalyÑinto the Tuscany WritersÕ Retreat, a soul care pilgrimage for writers (and spouses) in the land of the Renaissance. SheÕs led groups in 2014, 2016, 2018 and is hoping to take a group of ILLUMINATE clients in 2022!
Accepting Submissions | Christian Nonfiction | Christian Books ONLY | General Nonfiction | Business Book | Cultural Social Issues | Dating Relationships Sex | Design | Economics | Family | Food Drink | Gardening | Gift Novelty | Health Wellness | Inspirational Nonfiction | Lifestyle | Memoir | Money Finance | Narrative Nonfiction | Religion | Self-Help | Spirituality | Travel |
Emelie Burl is a literary agent with the Susan Schulman Literary Agency. Emelie joined Susan Schulman in 2021 after fourteen years working as an independent bookseller. She lives in Montana with her husband, two huskies, and her books. When she isnÕt reading manuscripts, she is most likely knitting, gardening, playing DnD, and/or camping in the mountains without any cell phone service.
Accepting Submissions | New Literary Agents | Member of the AALA |Picture Book | Juvenile Nonfiction | Middle Grade Fiction | Middle Grade Nonfiction | Young Adult Fiction | Young Adult Nonfiction | BIPOC Fiction | Chick Lit | Fantasy | Graphic Novel | Humor Fiction | LGBTQ Fiction | Magical Realism | Romance | Science Fiction | Women’s Fiction |Art | Cultural Social Issues | Humor Nonfiction | Journalism | LGBTQ Nonfiction | Memoir | Narrative Nonfiction | Pop Culture | Science | Travel |
Sarah Burnes is a literary agent with the Gernert Company. Sarah began her career on the editorial side of publishing, first at Houghton Mifflin, then in the Knopf Group, and last at Little, Brown. She became an agent in 2001, joining The Gernert Company in 2005. As an editor, she acquired and edited literary fiction and non-fiction, and as an agent, she has added children’s fiction to her list. Sarah sits on the board of non-profit progressive publisher the New Press and her writing has appeared on The Paris Review’s blog. She lives with her husband and three children in Brooklyn.
Accepting Submissions |Picture Book | Chapter Book | Middle Grade Fiction | Young Adult Fiction | General Fiction | Literary Fiction |General Nonfiction | Narrative Nonfiction | Parenting | Upmarket Nonfiction |
Penelope Burns is a literary agent with the Gelfman Schneider/ICM Literary Agency. She is the newest member of Gelfman Schneider/ICM Partners. She came to the agency as an intern after graduating from Colgate University in 2012. Currently, as an agency assistant, Penelope is looking to a build a list of her own. She is interested in Literary and Commercial fiction and non-fiction, as well as a variety of Young Adult and Middle Grade.
CLOSED to Submissions | Member of the AALA |Juvenile Nonfiction | Middle Grade Fiction | Middle Grade Nonfiction | Young Adult Fiction | Young Adult Nonfiction | Commercial Fiction | Crime Fiction | Fantasy | General Fiction | Graphic Novel | Horror | Literary Fiction | Mystery | New Adult Fiction | Romance | Science Fiction | Thriller | Women’s Fiction |General Nonfiction | Memoir |
Jana Burson is a literary agent with Christopher Ferebee Literary Agency. Jana has 16+ years of experience working in the publishing industry. She started out in 2003 working publicity at Thomas Nelson Publishers. By 2005 she was the Director of Publicity for the Hachette Book Group, Nashville Division where she oversaw the orchestration and execution of campaigns for a large number of New York Times bestselling titles. Rounding out her experience prior to becoming a literary agent, Jana transitioned to Acquisitions Editor in 2010 for the Hachette Book Group and had the pleasure of acquiring and editing multiple bestselling authors. In 2014, Jana left Hachette and launched The Burson Agency, which has provided both literary agent services and various consulting services.
In 2016, Jana joined The Christopher Ferebee agency and is excited to continue representing inspiring and life-changing books from men and women that want to impact culture one heart at a time.
Accepting Submissions | Christian Nonfiction | Cultural Social Issues | Dating Relationships Sex | Inspirational Nonfiction | Memoir | Reference | Religion | Spirituality |
Madelyn Burt is a literary agent with the Stonesong Literary Agency. She joined Stonesong in 2015. She earned her M.A. in Medieval Studies from Fordham University before realizing that her love of stories was what actually drew her to history and deciding she wanted to work in books, not academia. She joined Stonesong shortly after as an assistant and has worked on a variety of projects ranging from adult and childrenÕs fiction to cookbooks, lifestyle, and more. She is now actively building her own list, and looks forward to establishing long-lasting, collaborative relationships with her authors. Madelyn is currently focused on adult mysteries, crime, and thrillers, although she is interested in both adult and childrenÕs fiction. She is drawn to character-driven stories that feature tight-knit groups and strong friendships, quests and heists, and unique voices. She is also interested in fiction and select nonfiction that is able to make a historical person or period accessible to the modern reader. Madelyn is not the right choice for memoir, picture books, scifi, military thrillers, or military historicals.
CLOSED to Submissions |Crime Fiction | General Fiction | Historical Fiction | Mystery | Suspense Fiction | Thriller |General Nonfiction | Biography | Cookbook Cooking | History | Lifestyle |
Sheree Bykofsky is a literary agent with Sheree Bykofsky Associates. Sheree Bykofsky is the author, co-author and editor of more than thirty books, including the best-selling The Complete IdiotÕs Guide to Getting Published (Pearson), now in its fifth edition, The Complete IdiotÕs Guide to Publishing Magazine Articles (Pearson), The New York Public Library Desk Reference (Simon & Schuster), three editions of the regional bestseller The Best Places to Kiss in and Around New York City (Beginning, 3rd edition), The Big Book of LifeÕs Instructions, (Harper), Me: Five Years From Now (Warner, and then Hyperion), Sexy City Cocktails, (Adams), The Downtown GirlÕs Guide to Wine: How to Buy, Serve and Sip with Style and Sophistication (Adams), Put Your House on a Diet (now available as an e-book), Popping the Question: Real-Life Stories of Marriage Proposals From the Romantic to the Bizarre (Walker), The 52 Most Romantic Dates in and Around New York City (Adams), and Put Your House on a Diet (Rodale). Sheree has written articles for a variety of magazines and newspapers, including The Writer, which featured ShereeÕs cover story ÒThe Six Secrets of Getting Published.Ó
Sheree is also an avid poker player and author, with the late Lou Krieger, of Secrets the Pros WonÕt Tell You About Winning HoldÕEm Poker (Kensington), The Rules of Poker: The Ultimate Argument Settler (Kensington) and The Portable Poker Pro (Kensington). In December 2005 Sheree placed first out of 164 women who competed in the World Series of Poker LadiesÕ Circuit Event at the Showboat in Atlantic City. And Sheree won a seat into the famous World Series of Poker two times.
One of ShereeÕs oldest books, 500 Terrific Ideas for Organizing Everything (Simon & Schuster), has hundreds of thousands of copies in print and was #20 on bn.com after ten years in print. Many of ShereeÕs books, including Me: Five Years From Now have been selected by the Literary Guild and other book clubs. She has given walks and talks about travel and publishing at locations and venues such as the Learning Annex, Hyatt Hotel and other conferences, AOL, and Seminar Center. Sheree appeared on a special fundraising edition of ÒThe Brian Lehrer ShowÓ on NPR for an hour, generating nearly 200 pledges. She has appeared on ÒGood Day New York,Ó ÒEyewitness News,Ó ÒNews 1,Ó and on television and radio stations nationwide, and she was a romantic consultant on NBC for a new reality show. Sheree also speaks widely about all areas of publishing at colleges, writerÕs conferences, and libraries.
Sheree, a member of IFWTWA and AuthorsÕ Guild, is a freelance travel writer whose expertise is in romantic places, spas, luxury travel, food and wine, and skiing. Sheree is a travel staff writer at beautynewsnyc.com, and a contributor to gallagherstravels.com, offbeattravel.com, goworldtravel.com, honeymoonersreviewguide.com, travellady.com, TravelWorld International Magazine, http://www.sogonow.com/, and MSNBC.com (please visit her Travel Corner, now under construction). She was a spa investigator for a Mexican Spa Reservation Service and contributed to a feature article in New York Magazine, highlighting spas and related pampering services.
Accepting Submissions | Member of the AALA |Commercial Fiction | Crime Fiction | General Fiction | Literary Fiction | Mystery |General Nonfiction | Biography | Business Book | Cookbook Cooking | Crafts | Current Events Affairs | Film Entertainment | Food Drink | Health Wellness | Humor Nonfiction | Money Finance | Multicultural Nonfiction | Music | Parenting | Pop Culture | Psychology | Self-Help | Spirituality | Technology | Women’s Issues |
Jack Byrne
Sternig & Byrne Literary AgencyCLOSED to SubmissionsQuery Method(s): Email > Postal Mail >Biography
Jack Byrne is the owner of the Sternig & Byrne Literary Agency, which represents many major SFF authors.
CLOSED to Submissions |Fantasy | Mystery | Science Fiction |
Gaby Cabezut is an associate agent at The Seymour Agency. She is a bilingual author with a substantial following of over half a million individuals. With two published works in the Philippines and an audiobook released by Hachette, Gaby’s accomplishments extend across diverse literary platforms.
Her passion for online and traditional writing is reflected in her varied roles, including editor, acquisition manager, and social media manager. She has an MBA in Marketing and Digital Strategies.
Presently serving as an Associate Agent at The Seymour Agency, Gaby is enthusiastic about collaborating with authors who have an author platform and an original voice and are passionate about diversity and inclusivity.
Gaby is currently only open to queries in Spanish or referrals for YA, NA & KidLit through Query Manager.
She is mostly interested in PB, BB, and Romance. She’s not interested in Horror.
Accepting Submissions | New Literary Agents |Picture Book | Middle Grade Fiction | Young Adult Fiction | New Adult Fiction |
Gaby Cabezut is an associate agent at The Seymour Agency. She is a bilingual author with a substantial following of over half a million individuals. With two published works in the Philippines and an audiobook released by Hachette, GabyÕs accomplishments extend across diverse literary platforms.
Her passion for online and traditional writing is reflected in her varied roles, including editor, acquisition manager, and social media manager. She has an MBA in Marketing and Digital Strategies.
Presently serving as an Associate Agent at The Seymour Agency, Gaby is enthusiastic about collaborating with authors who have an author platform and an original voice and are passionate about diversity and inclusivity.
Gaby is currently only open to queries in Spanish or referrals for YA, NA & KidLit through Query Manager.
She is mostly interested in PB, BB, and Romance. She’s not interested in Horror.
Accepting Submissions | New Literary Agents |Picture Book | Middle Grade Fiction | Young Adult Fiction | New Adult Fiction |
Stephanie Cabot is a literary agent with Susanna Lea Associates. She is half French, half American and grew up in London, Paris and New England. She attended Harvard, where she studied History, and first worked in New York and London with JP Morgan. Her career as an agent began at WME in London, where she spent nine years and ran the office for the last five, before relocating to the US and to The Gernert Company in NYC, where she worked for fifteen years. Stephanie joined SLA in the Spring of 2020.
StephanieÕs interests are a reflection of her own reading tastes which have always been wide and far ranging. She represents authors from all over the world and is drawn to the international narratives whether told in story, memoir or essays as well as literary fiction reflecting diverse, global voices, speculative fiction, upmarket commercial fiction, crime and thrillers.
Stephanie has spent the past ten years involved with a small internationally focused social justice NGO, World Connect, whose mission is to empower grassroots leaders to initiate change in their communities.
Accepting Submissions |BIPOC Fiction | Commercial Fiction | Crime Fiction | General Fiction | Literary Fiction | Multicultural Fiction | Mystery | Thriller | Upmarket Fiction |General Nonfiction | Cultural Social Issues | History | Memoir | Multicultural Nonfiction | Narrative Nonfiction |
Patrice Caldwell
New Leaf Literary & Media, Inc.Accepting SubmissionsQuery Method(s): Email > Online Form >Biography
Patrice Caldwell is a literary agent with New Leaf Literary & Media, Inc. She is seeking commercial, character-driven fiction for middle grade, young adult, and adult readers as well as narrative nonfiction. Across the board, she is especially looking for middle grade science fiction & fantasy, mythology retellings and reimaginings, romance novels, and anything that can be categorized as horror and/or gothic literature. Patrice loves to champion stories from writers & illustrators from marginalized backgrounds. That said, she does not represent picture books.
In 2021, Patrice was named to Forbes 30 Under 30 in Media for her work founding People of Color in Publishing. She was also a Publishers Weekly Star Watch Honoree in 2018. Before becoming a literary agent, Patrice was an editor at Disney-Hyperion and, before that, Scholastic. She attended Wellesley College, where she studied Political Science and English, and lives in Dallas, Texas with her adorably mischievous cats, Quinn and Raven.
Accepting Submissions | Black Literary Agents |Juvenile Nonfiction | Middle Grade Fiction | Middle Grade Nonfiction | Young Adult Fiction | Young Adult Nonfiction | BIPOC Fiction | Commercial Fiction | Fantasy | General Fiction | Graphic Novel | Horror | Paranormal Fiction | Romance | Science Fiction |Lifestyle | Memoir | Narrative Nonfiction |
Chris Calhoun is a literary agent with the Chris Calhoun Agency. Chris founded the literary agency in the fall of 2011 after departing Sterling Lord Literistic, where he was a vice president and agent for nineteen years. In addition to representing some of America’s most prominent journalists, critics, historians, poets, and novelists, his new agency, in association with James Goldwasser, also places author’s papers and rare manuscripts with libraries and institutions. His client list includes contributors to The New Yorker, The New York Review of Books, The New York Times Magazine, Vanity Fair and many other publications. Agency authors have been winners of the National Book Award, The National Book Critics Circle Award, The Pulitzer Prize, and other honors. Recent archival sales have been to New York University, Columbia University, and The Harry Ransom Center at The University of Texas.
CLOSED to Submissions |Crime Fiction | General Fiction | Mystery |General Nonfiction | Art | Biography | Business Book | Cultural Social Issues | Current Events Affairs | Economics | Health Wellness | History | Journalism | Medical Medicine | Memoir | Money Finance | Narrative Nonfiction | Photography | Politics | Pop Culture | Science | Sports | Technology |
William Callahan is a literary agent and editor with InkWell Management. William went to the University of Iowa and Fordham University. William has worked at a piano refurbishing boutique, as a playwright, and as a researcher for a book on health habits. He represents writers from a range of disciplines and backgrounds.
Accepting Submissions |Commercial Fiction | Crime Fiction | General Fiction | Literary Fiction | Mystery |General Nonfiction | Art | Biography | Business Book | Cultural Social Issues | Current Events Affairs | Economics | Film Entertainment | Health Wellness | History | Medical Medicine | Memoir | Military War Nonfiction | Money Finance | Narrative Nonfiction | Photography | Politics | Pop Culture | Psychology | Science | Technology | True Crime |
Tess Callero is a literary agent with Europa Content Ltd. Tess graduated from Indiana University with a dual degree in Marketing and English. She moved to New York in 2014 to combine her love of both fields and become a literary agent. After spending four years at Curtis Brown, she moved to Europa Content in March 2019. Tess represents clients across genres and categories, from young adult and adult fiction to select nonfiction projects.
Accepting Submissions | Member of the AALA |Young Adult Fiction | Action Adventure | BIPOC Fiction | Commercial Fiction | Contemporary Fiction | Crime Fiction | General Fiction | Historical Fiction | Humor Fiction | LGBTQ Fiction | Mystery | Romance | Suspense Fiction | Thriller | Women’s Fiction |General Nonfiction | Art | Biography | Business Book | Cookbook Cooking | Cultural Social Issues | Current Events Affairs | Dating Relationships Sex | Diet Nutrition | Economics | Family | Food Drink | Health Wellness | History | How-To | Humor Nonfiction | Investigative | Journalism | Law Legal | Lifestyle | Medical Medicine | Memoir | Money Finance | Narrative Nonfiction | Parenting | Photography | Politics | Pop Culture | Psychology | Religion | Science | Spirituality | Sports | Technology | True Crime |
Linda Camacho is a literary agent with the Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency. She was always a fan of escaping into a good book, so the fact that she gets to make it her career is still surreal. She graduated from Cornell with a B.S. in Communication and has seen many sides of the industry. SheÕs held various positions at Penguin Random House, Dorchester, Simon and Schuster, and Writers House literary agency until she ventured into agenting at Prospect. She’s done everything from foreign rights to editorial to marketing to operations, so it was amazing to see how all the departments worked together to bring books to life. Somewhere in between all that (and little sleep), Linda received her MFA in creative writing from the Vermont College of Fine Arts. Now at Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency, Linda continues to work with colleagues and clients who inspire her every day in both the childrenÕs and adult categories.
CLOSED to Submissions | Authors and Illustrators Only |Picture Book | Middle Grade Fiction | Young Adult Fiction | Action Adventure | BIPOC Fiction | Commercial Fiction | Family Saga | Fantasy | General Fiction | Graphic Novel | Historical Fiction | Horror | LGBTQ Fiction | Literary Fiction | Multicultural Fiction | Mystery | Romance | Science Fiction | Thriller | Upmarket Fiction | Women’s Fiction |Narrative Nonfiction |
Kristy Cambron is a literary agent with Gardner Literary. She is a Christy Award-winning author with a diverse background in published works for HarperCollins Christian Publishing, including historical fiction, Bible studies, Bibles, a Bible study journal, and a gift book anthology for Dayspring.
Kristy served as a Women’s Ministry Leader for one of the nation’s largest churches and is an experienced keynote speaker at national conferences and ministry events. She spent fifteen years in leadership development for a Fortune 100 corporation, and has a background in art and design, with an undergraduate degree in art history and research writing.
You can find Kristy at home in the Hoosier state where she enjoys hiking, watching football with her husband and three sons, and dreaming of Paris while reading and writing in her favorite local coffee shop.
Accepting Submissions | New Literary Agents |Young Adult Fiction |Christian Fiction | Christian Nonfiction | Christian Books ONLY |Action Adventure | BIPOC Fiction | Contemporary Fiction | Espionage Military Fiction | Family Saga | Fantasy | General Fiction | Historical Fiction | Humor Fiction | Inspirational Fiction | Magical Realism | Mystery | Religious Fiction | Romance | Suspense Fiction | Thriller | Western Fiction | Women’s Fiction |Animals | Art | Biography | BIPOC Nonfiction | Cookbook Cooking | Cultural Social Issues | Dating Relationships Sex | Environment | Family | Fitness | Food Drink | Gardening | Gift Novelty | Health Wellness | History | Humor Nonfiction | LGBTQ Nonfiction | Memoir | Military War Nonfiction | Multicultural Nonfiction | Narrative Nonfiction | Nature | Parenting | Photography | Psychology | Religion | Self-Help | Spirituality | Sports | Travel | True Crime | Women’s Issues |
Kimberley Cameron is a literary agent with Kimberley Cameron & Associates. Kimberley grew up loving books – going to the library was the highlight of her week during her early years. New adventures beckoned behind every spine and now she feels the same way when she reads a manuscript. She wants to fall in love with a writer’s words…
She began her literary career as an agent trainee at the Marjel de Lauer Agency in association with Jay Garon in New York. She worked for several years at MGM developing books for motion pictures. She was the co-founder of Knightsbridge Publishing Company with offices in New York and Los Angeles. In 1993 she became partners with Dorris Halsey of The Reece Halsey Agency, founded in 1957. Among its clients have been Aldous Huxley, William Faulkner, Upton Sinclair, and Henry Miller. She opened Reece Halsey North in 1995 and Reece Halsey Paris in 2006. Her associate Elizabeth Evans opened Reece Halsey New York in 2008, and in 2009 the agency became Kimberley Cameron & Associates. She resides and works from Tiburon, California and Paris, France, with many visits to New York to make the rounds of editorial offices.
She was educated at Marlborough School for Girls in Los Angeles, Humboldt State University, and Mount St. Mary’s College. She has been a guest speaker at numerous writer’s conferences over the years which include but are not limited to: The Maui Writer’s Conference, Pacific Northwest, Aspen, Book Passage Mystery, Cape Cod, Kentucky Writer’s Retreat, Boise Idaho, San Diego State University, Austin, Texas, Thrillerfest, Left Coast Crime, Bouchercon, and many others. She also attends BEA.
She is looking for exceptional writing in any field, particularly writing that touches the heart, and makes us feel something. She’s been successful with many different genres, and especially loves the thrill of securing representation for debut authors. She represents both fiction and nonfiction manuscripts, with the exception of romance, children’s books and screenplays. She appreciates writers that show patience, understanding, politeness, and trust.
CLOSED to Submissions | Member of the AALA |Young Adult Fiction | Action Adventure | Commercial Fiction | Contemporary Fiction | Crime Fiction | Family Saga | Fantasy | General Fiction | Historical Fiction | Horror | LGBTQ Fiction | Literary Fiction | Multicultural Fiction | Mystery | New Adult Fiction | Science Fiction | Short Story Collection | Suspense Fiction | Thriller | Upmarket Fiction | Women’s Fiction |Biography | Celebrity | Cookbook Cooking | Cultural Social Issues | Current Events Affairs | Dating Relationships Sex | Fitness | Food Drink | Health Wellness | History | Journalism | LGBTQ Nonfiction | Lifestyle | Memoir | Multicultural Nonfiction | Narrative Nonfiction | Parenting | Politics | Pop Culture | Psychology | Science | Spirituality | Travel | True Adventure | True Crime | Women’s Issues |
Laura Cameron is an literary agent for adult authors, childrenÕs authors and/or illustrators with the Transatlantic Agency. Laura represents books across all genres and ages, with a focus on adult and YA fiction and nonfiction with a specialization in book-to-tv/film representation. She seeks out issue-driven books that surprise and provoke the reader, and literary writing that blends and subverts genre. Laura has a particular interest in contemporary stories that invite readers into lesser-known worlds, reimagined folklore, elevated horror, literary/upmarket suspense, research-based narrative nonfiction, and true crime. Above all, she seeks out unique narrative voices, characters she doesnÕt recognize, and writing she canÕt turn away from.
Laura is closed to queries. Due to the volume of submissions received, Laura only responds to queries she is actively considering.
Laura Cameron joined the Transatlantic Agency after six years at Penguin Random House Canada, where she worked in editorial, sales and publicity. Before her career in publishing, Laura did a MasterÕs in Journalism at Columbia University, interned with the Economist Group, and worked for Canadian Business magazine.
CLOSED to Submissions | New Literary Agents |Juvenile Nonfiction | Young Adult Fiction | Young Adult Nonfiction | Contemporary Fiction | Horror | Literary Fiction | Suspense Fiction | Upmarket Fiction |Narrative Nonfiction | True Crime |
Sara Camilli is a literary agent with The Sara Camilli Agency.
Accepting Submissions |Picture Book | Middle Grade Fiction | Commercial Fiction | Erotic Fiction | Fantasy | General Fiction | Horror | Multicultural Fiction | Romance | Science Fiction | Suspense Fiction | Thriller | Women’s Fiction |General Nonfiction | Celebrity | Memoir | Music | Pop Culture |
John Campbell is the founder and owner of the John Campbell Agency. His literary agency is successful and is located in New York City (founded in 1982), with clients from all over the world.
Specialties: High-quality narrative nonfiction, memoirs, entertainment; genre fiction (thrillers, cozy mysteries).
He handles all rights for his authors: print, digital, TV/ feature film deals.
John studied Literature/Art History/ Psychoanalysis at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he acquired his Ph.D. HeÕs also a graduate of the Stanford Publishing Program. HeÕs fluent in French, Spanish, and English.
John works with clients from all over the world. The agency specializes in high-quality narrative nonfiction, memoirs, entertainment, and genre fiction (thrillers and cozy mysteries).
He handles all rights for his authors: print, digital, and TV/ feature film deals. He has extensive experience with digital publishing.
Accepting Submissions |General Fiction | Mystery | Suspense Fiction | Thriller |General Nonfiction | Art | Cultural Social Issues | Film Entertainment | Memoir | Narrative Nonfiction | Photography | Pop Culture |
Leila Campoli is a literary agent with the Stonesong Literary Agency. She began her publishing career at Palgrave Macmillan, after graduating with a BA in English Literature from Boston University. She joined Stonesong as an agent in 2015 and was listed as a PW Star Watch 2017 Honoree. Leila is committed to championing marginalized voices, counterintuitive ideas, and unique style. She handles writers of science, lifestyle, current events, pop culture, literary and upmarket fiction. In nonfiction sheÕs particularly interested in books that offer a window into remarkable lives and big ideas that impact our daily lives. In fiction, she looks for speculative, genre-bending literary and upmarket fiction. Weird fiction leaning into horror or satire and stories set in extreme environments: sea, desert, forest, city.
Accepting Submissions |BIPOC Fiction | General Fiction | Horror | Humor Fiction | Literary Fiction | Multicultural Fiction | Satire | Science Fiction | Upmarket Fiction |General Nonfiction | BIPOC Nonfiction | Business Book | Computers | Cookbook Cooking | Cultural Social Issues | Current Events Affairs | Lifestyle | Mind Body Spirit | Money Finance | Multicultural Nonfiction | Pop Culture | Science | Technology | Upmarket Nonfiction |
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About Mark Malatesta
MARK MALATESTA is a former literary agent turned author coach. Mark now helps authors of all genres (fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books) get top literary agents, publishers, and book deals through his company Literary Agent Undercover and The Bestselling Author. Mark’s authors have gotten six-figure book deals, been on the NYT bestseller list, and published with houses such as Random House, Scholastic, and Thomas Nelson. Click here to learn more about Mark Malatesta and click here for Reviews of Mark Malatesta.
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Author Coaching Testimonials
“Mark, finding you has been both a treat and a treasure—I just signed a contract with my new literary agent!
My career has spanned publishing, TV, and feature film. I’ve served as Creative Dir. for the Magazine Group, TIME Inc.; Dir. of Time World News Service, a Founding Dir. of TIME-Life Films; Exec. Prod. for both the CBS and NBC TV Networks; Prod./Dir.: Movies of the Week: CBS Cinema Center Films and Universal MCA.
In today’s publishing marketplace, agents come and go. They also very often seem to just want an easy pathway to make a buck. Many authors are let go by their agents because their last book didn’t do well enough and the agent doesn’t want to devote the time to help the author. That’s not what you’re about Mark. Even established authors need this type of support in today’s marketplace.”
Author of ten fiction and nonfiction books
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“I’m psyched to have this be official. After getting five different offers for representation from top literary agents, I signed with Stephanie Tade who got me a 6-figure book deal with Penguin!
Getting multiple agents interested in my work was really important to me. I’ve dealt with agents before and gotten screwed on things contractually so I wanted to do it differently this time. I wanted choices.
Having you help me create that, and navigate my options, was really helpful. I heard other authors talk about their great relationships with their agents and it made me want the same thing. Now I have that.”
Author of Woman on Fire
(Penguin Books)
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“After sending out the query Mark revised for me, I had the opportunity to speak with literary agents from top agencies such as Janklow & Nesbit, Trident Media, Anderson Lit, and Folio. I signed with Don Fehr at Trident and, a short time later I had a publishing contract with Berkley Books, which recently published my book in hardcover.
Before that, I sent my query letter out on my own to 30 or 40 agents and got a lot of rejections. I then found Mark online while I was researching agents. I was surprised that he offered so much during his initial consultation—for a very modest amount of money.
I don’t know what would have happened if I hadn’t worked with Mark. I can’t even imagine that now though, because of the grief and detours I experienced before we worked together. It was a time-consuming pain in the neck. If you want to get the attention of top literary agents and publishers, there is no substitute for working with an insider. You can’t beat experience. And having Mark on your side is incredibly valuable.”
Author of Single Handed
(Berkley Books, a Division of Penguin Random House)
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“AHHH! OMG, it happened! I got three offers of representation for my children’s picture book in the United States, even though I live abroad! When I woke up and found the first offer for representation in my email in box, I wanted to scream. But my family was still asleep so I couldn’t. 🙂
Just 8 minutes after I sent a query letter to one of my favorite agents, she replied and asked to see my manuscript. A short time later we had a lovely conversation. She was interested in representing me and sounded very positive and enthusiastic about my book. Since I also got offers from two other agents, I had to turn two of them down. One of them was upset and it felt like I was breaking her heart, but you just have to do it. I kept reminding myself that this is a good problem to have!”
Author/Illustrator of Lon-Lon’s Big Night
and many other children’s books
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“Mark, after you helped me land a top literary agent, I got publishing offers from THREE well-known publishers: Amacom, Palgrave Macmillan, and McGraw-Hill (they’re publishing my book in hardcover)!
I was at Disneyworld with my family, in the Haunted Mansion, when I got the call. I went outside and listened to the voicemail message from my agent. A huge smile came over my face. It was a fantastic feeling. For a moment I felt like life was perfect and the angels were singing.
You’re filling an important need so I’ll say this to every other author reading this testimonial. Mark showed me that getting a top literary agent is a science. If you’ve written a book, or you’re in the process, you’ve already invested a lot—a lot more than money. Don’t stop yourself from getting out there to fulfill your purpose and dreams. Thank you so, so much, Mark!!!”
Author of Customer Focused Process Innovation (McGraw Hill)
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“I got a book deal! After I started sending out my new query letter I had 6 literary agents request my manuscript in a short amount of time, which is awesome. Then, within 2 weeks of my agent starting to pitch my story to publishers, we had an offer. I signed a book contract yesterday. A little while later my agent told me that a TV co-producer asked for more info about my book.
By the way, the acquiring editor that fell in love with the manuscript jumped in with both feet and we just worked out our timeline for publication. She’s as passionate about getting my book out as I am, and that means everything. She read the manuscript in two days and said she couldn’t put it down. And the book is going to be published as a hardcover!”
Author of A Chick in the Cockpit
(Behler Publications)
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“Thank you Mark! After you helped me get a well-known agent with Hartline Literary Agency (for my previously self-published murder mystery), he got me a deal with an American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) approved publisher. I’m hard-pressed to find anything that I had an expectation for that you didn’t deliver on.
Before I worked with you I sent out queries, but no one ever requested my complete manuscript. Comparing your new version of my query to the one I wrote before, I can see a vast difference.
I’ve been in business for 35 years so I’m not just saying this… what you’re doing is phenomenal. There are other people offering similar services, but the difference is your success. Others might say they do similar things but, if you research them, they don’t have your background or track record.”
Author of The Rector
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“Mark, you’re a miracle worker. Thanks to your help with my book, query letter, and synopsis… I now have a legitimate publisher who described my book as ‘Powerful Magic’ and it’s now available in bookstores and online!
I’m a lifelong academic writer who one day found myself writing inspired short stories that came to me in dreams and I began thinking of them as novels. That’s when I had a momentous conversation, an introductory coaching call with Mark Malatesta, the American creative writing coach, or rather, to be precise, a how-to-sell-yourself-and-your-work adviser. It was the best-spent money of my life apart (possibly) for my wedding ring.”
Author of The Black Inked Pearl
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“Within 4 minutes of sending out my query letter, a top literary called me on the phone (the #1 agent on my wish list). Less than 30 days later I had three major publishers making offers. A few days after that, I signed a deal with Random House. Mark, your query letter did that.
My agent talked about the query letter you helped me create for a long, long time. When he first called me on the phone, he hadn’t seen any of my sample chapters. It was just the query letter that did it. Communicating the right thing is so important. You are a wonderful medium helping authors find their voice and elevate their writing from just a hobby to a real business… a source from which they can both learn and earn.”
Author of Lights Out
(Random House)
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“MARK, MARK, MARK!!!!!!! Holy smokes… I just signed my book deal. First, two well-known literary agents asked to represent me. One of them responded to my query letter in less than 4 minutes!!
Then THREE different publishers wanted my book and started talking about making offers. The publisher I chose is perfect for me because they produce titles for the trade, educational, and scientific markets. And they agreed to publish my book as a hardcover!!!
When I met you, Mark, it was a pivotal time. I was under the belief that I could self-publish my book with a vanity press and then seek a publisher. I didn’t know what a literary agent was, why I needed one, or how to get one. I was wandering in the dark. You guided me in the right direction and gave me a solid plan.”
Author of Intestinal Health
(Rowman & Littlefield)
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“Boom!!! I just signed a contract with Thomas Nelson/Harper Collins for (what I’ve been told by several people) is a very large advance for a first-time author.
Before working with Mark I submitted my book to agents but didn’t get any interest. This time around I got a top NY literary agency (Fine Print Lit). What cloud is higher than 9?
I had several agencies interested before deciding to go with Fine Print. And, to be honest, all of the attention didn’t surprise me. The query letter and proposal that Mark helped me develop were incredible. Agents actually said things to me like: ‘Scott, I read your proposal and I’m just blown away by it!’ Mark is extremely talented at what he does. If you have the opportunity to work with him, take advantage of it.”
Author of The Unbreakable Boy
(Harper Collins/Thomas Nelson)