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Literary Agent Directory
Important: Visit each agent’s website (links in their listings below) to see if they’re open to submissions before querying.
Barb Roose is a literary agent with the Books & Such Literary Agency. She began writing books as a child because she fell in love with the characters and stories created by her favorite author, Beverly Cleary. Yet, as a little brown-skinned girl with pop-bottle glasses, Barb never dreamed that becoming an author was a real possibility for someone who looked like her.
After a multiple-award career in pharmaceutical sales and non-profit management, Barb spent 14 years on staff at her local church as part of the executive leadership and teaching teams. During that time, Barb attended her first writers conference and received her first writing contract. The dream she hadnÕt dared entertain as a child became reality.
In 2016, Barb transitioned from her duties at church to full-time speaking and writing. Her goal is leading and teaching people to overcome their fears so they can live strong, courageous lives and experience GodÕs great adventure of faith for them. She speaks at conferences and events in the U.S. and abroad, including on multiple national platforms.
Barb became a part of Books & Such in 2014 as a client represented by Rachelle Gardner. Barb saw herself as an author who didnÕt know anything about the publishing industry other than being thrilled someone wanted to publish her book. Fast forward several years and a growing library of books with her name on the cover. Barb now wants to help other writers achieve their publishing dreams. The thrill of partnering with authors compelled Barb to say ÒyesÓ to joining the Books & Such Literary Management agent team in 2020. Her desire is to come alongside hopeful and established authors to create the most marketable, appealing manuscripts that will build lasting careers and influence readers.
Accepting Submissions | Black Literary Agents | Christian Fiction | Christian Nonfiction |General Fiction |General Nonfiction | Religion | Spirituality |
Holly Root is a literary agent with Root Literary. She says: ÒReading as much as you do in this job, it’s easy to become overly analyticalÑassessing this or that from a market standpoint, considering the buyers and retail outlook before you’ve even fallen into the story. My favorite booksÑand the submissions most likely to catch my interestÑare the ones so assured in their execution that the only input my critical mind can muster is “That was fun. How soon can we tell everyone we know about it?” I’m delighted to be in a position of perpetual discovery.
Professionally, I’m proudest of the times my work has enabled my clients to take great leaps, whether creative or professional, to advance their careers. It’s an honor to be inside the process, participating in bringing great reads into the world, and a true joy to enable those books’ creators to build healthy, sustainable careers.
IÕm drawn to well-told commercial narratives across multiple categories. IÕm much more likely to keep reading if I know from the perfectly-executed first pages that this is someone whose voice interests me, someone whose story IÕd like to get lost in for the next few hours. I know IÕve found a winner when I catch myself sketching a potential submission list on any available scrap of paper as I read.Ó
CLOSED to Submissions | Member of the AALA |Picture Book | Middle Grade Fiction | Young Adult Fiction | Commercial Fiction | Crime Fiction | Fantasy | General Fiction | Graphic Novel | Literary Fiction | Mystery | New Adult Fiction | Paranormal Fiction | Romance | Science Fiction | Thriller | Women’s Fiction |Business Book | Dating Relationships Sex | Humor Nonfiction | Memoir | Religion | Self-Help | Spirituality |
Adrienne Rosado is a literary agent with Leibo Literary. She joined Stonesong Literary in September 2017. SheÕs spent her entire career on the agency side of publishing and has an extensive background in subsidiary rights, which makes for a strong eye for projects that will make a splash in the international marketplace. Prior to joining Stonesong she was an agent with Leibo Management and Nancy Yost Literary, where she was literary director and director of subsidiary rights respectively.
Adrienne represents adult and childrenÕs fiction, as well as select non-fiction in the areas of pop-science, business, memoir, and humor. In both adult and childrenÕs fiction, she is looking for contemporary, mystery, historical, thriller, fantasy, and anything with a wickedly dark sense of humor. SheÕs especially drawn to multicultural fiction, lgbtq+ works, and stories about people from atypical walks of life. She is not currently looking for poetry or childrenÕs picture books.
Accepting Submissions |BIPOC Fiction | Contemporary Fiction | Crime Fiction | Fantasy | General Fiction | Historical Fiction | Humor Fiction | LGBTQ Fiction | Multicultural Fiction | Mystery | Satire | Thriller |General Nonfiction | BIPOC Nonfiction | Business Book | Humor Nonfiction | LGBTQ Nonfiction | Memoir | Money Finance | Multicultural Nonfiction | Science |
Chiara Rosati is a literary agent with Veritas Literary Agency. She attended Middlebury College in Vermont where she cultivated her love for literature and mastered the Italian language. Prior to joining Veritas, she served as legal counsel to emerging companies in Silicon Valley. ChiaraÕs passion for nuanced expression in the written form, combined with her devotion to nurturing clients and their creations, fuels her artistic mission: that of helping noteworthy manuscripts make the transformative journey into published works.
CLOSED to Submissions |Picture Book | Middle Grade Fiction | Young Adult Fiction | Fantasy | Historical Fiction | Science Fiction | Women’s Fiction |General Nonfiction | Biography | History | Memoir | Narrative Nonfiction | Nature | Pop Culture | Science | Women’s Issues |
Ann Rose is a literary agent with The Tobias Literary Agency. She is a California native who left her heart in San Diego, and now resides in Texas after a stint in Florida. Her degree is in Communication from San Diego State University, and her resume runs the gamut from Lifeguard to Business Systems Analyst, but books have always been her passion. Ann is excited to finally merge her love of literature with her past professional experiences as a literary agent with The Tobias Literary Agency after starting her career with Prospect Agency. She looks forward to helping authors build successful, sustainable careers.
Ann is looking for characters who arenÕt afraid to stand up for their convictions and beliefs – whether they fight with their fists or their words. SheÕs open to all genres of middle gradeÑand especially love stories that push the MG boundary. By this she means they explore topics that affect middle graders but arenÕt always talked about in MG books; like It Happened on Saturday by Sydney Dunlap. Ann also represents all genres in YA. In the adult arena, she adores swoony romances, light sci-fi or fantasy (emphasis on the light side), commercial fiction, and heartwarming – or heart wrenching – contemporaries.
She really enjoys feminist stories that highlight womenÕs experiences in the world. She is a sucker for a strong female friendship narrative because she truly believes that empowered women, empower women! SheÕs always looking for unique voices, diverse perspectives, vivid settings, and stories that explore tough topics. Dark and edgy is totally okay too. She is also up for a good revenge plot. Above all Ann is looking for stories with compelling characters that push boundaries and make her laugh and cry, hopefully in the same story!
She is ready to roll up her sleeves and help her authors create the best books possible, from brainstorming at the idea stage all the way through submissions and beyond. Ann loves attending conferences and sharing her knowledge of the publishing industry.
CLOSED to Submissions |Middle Grade Fiction | Young Adult Fiction | Action Adventure | Chick Lit | Commercial Fiction | Contemporary Fiction | Fantasy | Graphic Novel | Historical Fiction | LGBTQ Fiction | Magical Realism | Multicultural Fiction | Mystery | Romance | Science Fiction | Suspense Fiction | Thriller | Upmarket Fiction | Women’s Fiction |Women’s Issues |
Ilyana Rose-Davila is a literary agent with the Barbara Bova Literary Agency. She joined the Agency in 2016. Handling foreign and domestic marketing. Ms. Rose-D‡vila is interested in well-written fiction and non-fiction.
Accepting Submissions | New Literary Agents |Action Adventure | Fantasy | General Fiction | Historical Fiction | Humor Fiction | Mystery | Romance | Science Fiction | Thriller |General Nonfiction |
Janet Rosen is a literary agent with Sheree Bykofsky Associates. She worked as associate book editor at Glamour and the senior books and fiction editor at Woman before turning to agenting at Sheree Bykofsky Associates, where she represents a range of nonfiction and a limited amount of fiction. She has been the president of the NYC chapter of the WomenÕs National Book Association., and her writing has appeared in Glamour, Publishers Weekly, Paper, and other print and online publications. During off hours, Janet writes and performs comedy and has been featured in the Marshalls Women in Comedy Festival.
CLOSED to Submissions |Crime Fiction | General Fiction | Mystery |General Nonfiction | Biography | Business Book | Cultural Social Issues | History | How-To | Memoir | Money Finance | Narrative Nonfiction | Science |
Rita Rosenkranz
Rita Rosenkranz Literary AgencyAccepting SubmissionsQuery Method(s): Email > Postal Mail >Biography
Rita Rosenkranz is a literary agent with the Rita Rosenkranz Literary Agency. A well-established agent, who began her career as an editor at major publishing houses, Rita Rosenkranz represents almost exclusively adult non-fiction titles. Her wide-ranging list includes health, history, parenting, music, how-to, popular science, business, biography, sports, popular reference, cooking, writing, humor, spirituality, illustrated books and general interest titles. She represents first-time as well as seasoned authors, and looks for projects that present familiar subjects freshly or lesser-known subjects presented commercially. Rita works with major publishing houses, as well as regional publishers that handle niche markets.
Representative titles include Forbidden Fruit: Love Stories from the Underground Railroad by Betty DeRamus (Atria Books; essence.com best-seller, optioned by NBC for an 8-part series), Olive Trees and Honey: A Treasury of Vegetarian Recipes from Jewish Communities Around the World (Wiley; James Beard Award winner) by Gil Marks; 29 Gifts: How a Month of Giving Can Change Your Life by Cami Walker (Da Capo Press; New York Times bestseller, MS Awareness Award Winner, Books for a Better Life), and A Mind for Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science (Even if You Flunked Algebra) by Barbara Oakley, Ph.D. (Tarcher).
She is a member of the Association of Authors’ Representatives (AAR), The Authors Guild, and Women’s Media Group.
Accepting Submissions | Member of the AALA | General Nonfiction | Art | Biography | Business Book | Cookbook Cooking | Current Events Affairs | Dating Relationships Sex | Diet Nutrition | Food Drink | Health Wellness | History | How-To | Humor Nonfiction | Lifestyle | Memoir | Money Finance | Music | Narrative Nonfiction | Parenting | Photography | Politics | Reference | Religion | Science | Spirituality | Sports | True Crime |
Andy Ross is a literary agent with the Andy Ross Literary Agency. Andy has worked in the book business since 1972, all of this working life. He was owner and general manager of Cody’s Books in Berkeley, California from 1977-2006. Cody’s has been recognized as one of America’s great independent bookstores. Andy is past president of the Northern California Booksellers Association, a board member and officer of the American Booksellers Association and a national spokesperson for issues concerning independent businesses. He has had significant profiles in the Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, Publishers’ Weekly and the San Francisco Chronicle. Andy Ross is a member of the Association of Authors Representatives (AAR).
Accepting Submissions |Juvenile Nonfiction | Young Adult Fiction | Young Adult Nonfiction | Commercial Fiction | General Fiction | Literary Fiction |Biography | Business Book | Current Events Affairs | History | Journalism | Money Finance | Narrative Nonfiction | Politics | Reference | Science | Travel |
Catherine Ross is a literay agent with the Corvisiero Literary Agency. is a recent graduate of Howard University School of Law. Always knowing that her love of books would somehow find its way into her career, Catherine strived to learn about publishing and copyrights law. Along the way, she fell in love with agency work as well. Catherine hopes to bridge both legal and agent services together to serve clients at each stage of the process, and is excited to learn more from Corvisiero.
Catherine loves anything from the fantasy genre, from urban to high fantasy, young adult to new adult, sheÕll read it all! But honestly she loves anything that has strong world-building, complex characters, and a twist. When Catherine is not reading (a rarity) she is likely watching old horror films or finding new places to travel.
Accepting Submissions | New Literary Agents |Middle Grade Fiction | Young Adult Fiction | Contemporary Fiction | Fantasy | Horror | Magical Realism | Mystery | New Adult Fiction | Romance | Thriller |Biography | Cultural Social Issues | Current Events Affairs | Memoir | Spirituality |
Gail Ross is a literary agent with WME Books. She represents important commercial nonfiction across all genres. Four of the books she represented have won the Pulitzer Prize: Cuba: An American History by Ada Ferrer, American Prometheus by Kai Bird and Martin Sherwin, Black Flags by Joby Warrick and The Haunted Land by Tina Rosenberg. Her clients include thought leaders, CEO’s, social justice activists, journalists, historians, and experts in a variety of fields, and she and her team have earned a reputation in the industry for providing rigorous, enthusiastic editorial guidance at all stages of the publishing process.
Prior to joining WME, Gail was a partner at Trister, Ross, Schadler & Gold and founded the Gail Ross Literary Agency, which became the Ross Yoon Agency in 2010. Washingtonian magazine has named her one of the most powerful women in Washington for several years running.
Gail is also the author of The WriterÕs Lawyer and The Essential Guide to Entertainment LawÕs chapter on book publishing contracts. She speaks widely about publishing and book contracts across the country. Gail cofounded the Washington D.C., office of WME in 2023.
GailÕs daily mantra is: Books Change Lives.
Accepting Submissions | General Nonfiction | Biography | Business Book | Cultural Social Issues | Current Events Affairs | Dating Relationships Sex | Health Wellness | History | Journalism | Memoir | Money Finance | Narrative Nonfiction | Parenting | Politics | Pop Culture | Reference | Religion | Science | Spirituality | Sports | True Crime |
Steve Ross is a literary agent with and the founder of the Steve Ross Agency. Steve Ross has launched the Steve Ross Agency as the next step in a long career in books. A literary agent and Director of the Book Division at Abrams Artists Agency for eight years, Steve also has more than two decadesÕ experience in the publishing industry, starting as an Editor and eventually becoming a Publisher, including running high-visibility and profitable divisions at major publishing companies. Steve was instrumental in publishing Barack Obama’s Dreams from my Father and Audacity of Hope, and many other best-selling books of quality commercial non-fiction.
Named one of seven ÒInfluentialsÓ in Books by New York Magazine and profiled on the front page of CrainÕs as Òa superb general nonfiction publisherÓ, Ross was Sr. VP and Publisher of Random HouseÕs Crown Division for twelve years, where he conceived and launched several content-specific imprints that remain category leaders today. At Random House he worked with such authors as Arianna Huffington, Spike Lee, Suze Orman, Derek Jeter, Michael Jordan, Suzanne Somers, Erik Larson, The Onion, Jillian Michaels, Charles Schwab, and Max Brooks.
Ross was also President & Group Publisher of the $100 million Collins Division at HarperCollins, where he oversaw the operations and growth of four distinct publishing programs. There he worked with such authors as Jack Welch, Russell Brand, Sir Roger Moore, Jessica Seinfeld, and Rick Pitino.
Steve created a client list as a literary agent and Director of the Books Division at Abrams that features a wide range of global thought leaders, innovators, and people of substantial accomplishment in such fields as sports, medicine, and the arts, all of whom have unique and important stories to tell, Steve helps his clients to shape those stories. Finding the best publishing home for them has returned him to the mission and passion that drove him to become a book editor earlier in this career. He has also developed a global network of sub-agents who represent his clients in their specific territories.
A former President of the Publishers Lunch Club and recipient of the James Thurber Award for editing and publishing the #1 Bestseller Our Dumb Century by The Onion, Ross earned a Master’s Degree from New York University, is an avid motorcycle rider and tennis player, and lives with his family in Westchester County.
Accepting Submissions |Crime Fiction | General Fiction | Mystery | Romance | Women’s Fiction |General Nonfiction | Art | Biography | Cookbook Cooking | Current Events Affairs | Dating Relationships Sex | Health Wellness | History | How-To | Humor Nonfiction | Lifestyle | Medical Medicine | Memoir | Narrative Nonfiction | Photography | Politics | Pop Culture | Reference | Science | Sports | True Crime |
Whitney Ross is a literary agent with the High Line Literary Collective. With over fifteen years of experience in publishing, including almost a decade as an editor at Macmillan, Whitney represents all the genres she loves and reads herselfÐ middle grade, young adult, and adult fiction across all genres, with an emphasis on historical, SF & fantasy, romance, and contemporary fiction. She is also open to non-fiction submissions in the areas of design, cooking, and fashion.
Whitney loves to read novels set in unusual time periods and locations, whether that involves a fantastical element or not. She is rarely able to resist the trickster king motif, and has a weakness for read-between-the-lines subtle romances. And she canÕt wait to be surprised by tropes turned upside down, and unusual takes on old favorites. Yet she’s constantly intrigued by books not on her “wish list,” and is always open to stories with compelling characters and emotionally involving plotlines.
Whitney loves partnering with authors in every stage, bringing her editorial experience and genre expertise to support her clients and their publishing journey. In her spare time, she enjoys competitive sports such as cooking and shopping, and tasting wines with her winemaker husband.
CLOSED to Submissions |Middle Grade Fiction | Young Adult Fiction | Action Adventure | Chick Lit | Commercial Fiction | Contemporary Fiction | Crime Fiction | Family Saga | Fantasy | Historical Fiction | Horror | Magical Realism | Multicultural Fiction | Mystery | New Adult Fiction | Romance | Science Fiction | Suspense Fiction | Thriller | Upmarket Fiction | Women’s Fiction |Cookbook Cooking | Crafts | Design | Food Drink | History | Lifestyle | Travel |
Stefanie Rossitto is the Director of Foreign Rights Department and a literary agent with The Tobias Literary Agency. Originally from the German Alps, Steffi used to spend hours in quaint bookstores as a child. She went on to study English language, American literature and medieval history at Regensburg University and Edinburgh University. Her master’s thesis was based on a New York Times article on modern day ÔsuburbanÕ novelists and how these authors shaped American suburban culture. After graduation, she moved to New York City where she gained publishing experience at three different literary agencies before moving on to Doubleday and Crown at Random House to explore the corporate side of the business. At Random House, she handled foreign and domestic rights for over five years and dealt with books and authors of every genre. Before coming to Tobias Literary Agency, she spent five years as a reader at Maria B. Campbell Associates evaluating German fiction and non-fiction for the US and international market. Steffi combines experience in agenting with corporate publishing and scouting.
Some books Steffi has recently enjoyed are: KwanÕs SEX AND VANITY, GilbertÕs CITY OF GIRLS, AllendeÕs A LONG PETAL OF THE SEA, HilderbrandÕs 28 SUMMERS. Other all time favorites are everything and anything Mary Balogh, Katherine NevilleÕs THE EIGHT, Diana J. GabaldonÕs OUTLANDER series, and Benedict WellsÕ THE END OF LONELINESS.
Steffi is currently looking for historical fiction, and funny, witty, modern romances. She also enjoys anything and everything medieval as well as exciting historical romances and/or fiction based on real characters.
CLOSED to Submissions |Contemporary Fiction | Historical Fiction | Paranormal Fiction | Romance | Suspense Fiction | Thriller | Women’s Fiction |
Stephanie Rostan
Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary AgencyAccepting SubmissionsQuery Method(s): Email > Online Form >Biography
Stephanie Kip Rostan is a literary agent with the Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency. Stephanie started agenting in 2001 and became a principal at Levine Greenberg Rostan in 2014. Prior to that, she was an editor at Bantam Dell and the Book Producer for iVillage.com. About three quarters of her clients are fiction, including New York Times bestsellers Gillian Flynn, Lisa Lutz and Bryan Reardon as well as Sarah Healy, Wendy Wax, Thomas Lennon and Julia Dahl. Unusual and vivid voices, genre-straddling stories and intense emotion (whether funny, creepy, warm or sad) Ð the things that make a book stick with you for a long time Ð are what she finds most appealing. She represents adult, YA and middle grade projects. In nonfiction, she loves projects that solve a problem or make us see things in a new way, such as La Leche LeagueÕs revised edition of The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, Amir Levine and Rachel HellerÕs Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment, Chris SantellaÕs 50 Places series. She has also worked on narrative nonfiction such as New York Times bestseller Miracle in the Andes by Nando Parrado with Vince Rause and the true crime memoir The Spider and the Fly by Claudia Rowe.
Raised in Andover, Massachusetts, Stephanie is the daughter of a Latin and Greek teacher whose specialty is etymology (ask her dad for a definition and youÕll get a minimum of 36 hours of explanation). This early focus on language led to her obsession with crossword puzzles, a term in Germany as an exchange student and an English/Creative Writing major at Princeton. There she became familiar with the slings and arrows of critique groups and revisions, writing under teachers such as Susan Shreve, Stephen Wright and Joyce Carol Oates. Stephanie now lives with her husband and two children in the New York City area, where she is committed to raising her kids as Red Sox fans despite the hostile environs.
Accepting Submissions | Member of the AALA |Juvenile Nonfiction | Middle Grade Fiction | Middle Grade Nonfiction | Young Adult Fiction | Young Adult Nonfiction | Crime Fiction | General Fiction | Graphic Novel | Horror | LGBTQ Fiction | Literary Fiction | Mystery | Religious Fiction | Romance | Short Story Collection | Suspense Fiction | Thriller | Women’s Fiction |General Nonfiction | Art | Business Book | Cultural Social Issues | Current Events Affairs | Dating Relationships Sex | Diet Nutrition | Economics | Health Wellness | How-To | Humor Nonfiction | LGBTQ Nonfiction | Medical Medicine | Memoir | Money Finance | Narrative Nonfiction | Parenting | Photography | Politics | Pop Culture | Reference | Religion | Self-Help | Spirituality | Sports | True Crime |
Kara Rota is a senior agent with the Thompson Literary Agency. She grew up in Sewell, New Jersey reading and counting down the days until she could move to New York City and work at a magazine, which she did in 2005 after graduating from Sarah Lawrence College. Before joining TLA, she worked as an Executive Editor at Chicago Review Press from 2019-2023, acquiring narrative nonfiction, music, and pop culture titles. Previously from 2014 Kara worked at Macmillan, acquiring and editing cookbooks, mind/body/spirit projects and other nonfiction for multiple Macmillan imprints including Flatiron and St. Martin’s Press. She also served as director of recipe website and Macmillan portfolio company Cookstr.com. At TLA, Kara is excited to represent nonfiction authors including activists, artists, witches, and revolutionaries; cookbooks about more than food, parenting books that see care work as central to social change, illustrated projects that inspire delight, and other nonfiction books that seek to change the world. She lives in Evanston, IL with her husband, their daughter Maeve, and Cat.
Accepting Submissions | New Literary Agents | General Nonfiction | Art | Cookbook Cooking | Parenting | Spirituality |
Elana Roth Parker is a literary agent with the Laura Dail Literary Agency. Elana has specialized in children’s publishing from the beginning of her career, from her very first internship at Nickelodeon Magazine followed by 5 years as an editor at Parachute Publishing. She’s been an agent since 2008, joining LDLA in 2016 after running her own agency, Red Tree Literary.
Elana is a graduate of Barnard College and the Jewish Theological Seminary, with degrees in English literature and Bible. It all adds up to her loving books that expertly combine the timely and the timeless.
Accepting Submissions | Member of the AALA |Middle Grade Fiction | Young Adult Fiction | Commercial Fiction | Contemporary Fiction | Fantasy | Mystery | Romance | Science Fiction | Thriller | Upmarket Fiction | Women’s Fiction |
Eliza Rothstein is a literary agent with InkWell Management. A native of St. Louis, Eliza Rothstein began her career in publishing at The Susan Golomb Literary Agency after studying Comparative Literature and Art History at the University of Pennsylvania and attending the Columbia Publishing Course. At InkWell, she represents memoir, literary and commercial fiction, and a wide range of journalists and non-fiction authors who seek to generate deep conversations, inspire social and systemic change, or advance our understanding of our minds and bodies. In addition to finding publishers for their books, she helps writers expand their reach by placing essays and journalism in publications ranging from The New York Times and The Atlantic to National Geographic and Sports Illustrated. She is particularly interested in the intersection of narrative writing with topics of psychology, medicine, science, food, technology, business, humor and pop culture. She is also drawn to literary fiction that explores diverse communities or intergenerational stories, commercial fiction that crosses genre borders, and fiction from Latinx and Spanish-speaking writers.
Accepting Submissions |BIPOC Fiction | Commercial Fiction | Family Saga | General Fiction | Literary Fiction | Multicultural Fiction |General Nonfiction | BIPOC Nonfiction | Business Book | Cultural Social Issues | Food Drink | Humor Nonfiction | Journalism | Medical Medicine | Memoir | Mind Body Spirit | Multicultural Nonfiction | Narrative Nonfiction | Pop Culture | Psychology | Science | Technology |
James Rovira is an agent with The James Rovira Literary Agency. He teaches literature and writing on FloridaÕs space coast and has over twenty yearsÕ experience in higher education as an instructor, chair, program director, and in curriculum design. He is also a multigenre / multimodal freelance writer, scholar, and poet who lives in Merritt Island, FL with his wife Sheridan and their children Penn, Grace, and Zoe. He has four adult children named Joshua, Steven, Bethany, and Beka who live in the Central Florida area.
Accepting Submissions |General Fiction | Literary Fiction |
Mason Rowlee is a literary agent with DeFiore and Company. Originally from rural Upstate New York, Mason Rowlee holds a BA in English, with a concentration in creative writing and journalism from Fordham College at Rose Hill. While in college, he interned at DeFiore & Company, as well as McIntosh & Otis Literary Agency, Gotham Writers Workshop, CBS Television Production and Farrar, Straus & Giroux. He previously worked as an assistant literary scout at Jenny La Plante, Inc., where he developed an eye for the types of literary and upmarket fiction and narrative nonfiction that also appeal to international publishers as well as film production companies. As of August 2023, he is excited to return to DeFiore & Company as an assistant.
Mason loves innovative, boundary-pushing literary fiction, engrossing upmarket fiction, and nonfiction that amplifies traditionally underrepresented voices in publishing, particularly those by queer authors. He is not accepting queries at this time.
CLOSED to Submissions | New Literary Agents |LGBTQ Fiction | Literary Fiction | Upmarket Fiction |LGBTQ Nonfiction | Narrative Nonfiction |
Mason Rowlee is a literary agent with DeFiore and Company. Originally from rural Upstate New York, Mason Rowlee holds a BA in English, with a concentration in creative writing and journalism from Fordham College at Rose Hill. While in college, he interned at DeFiore & Company, as well as McIntosh & Otis Literary Agency, Gotham Writers Workshop, CBS Television Production and Farrar, Straus & Giroux. He previously worked as an assistant literary scout at Jenny La Plante, Inc., where he developed an eye for the types of literary and upmarket fiction and narrative nonfiction that also appeal to international publishers as well as film production companies. As of August 2023, he is excited to return to DeFiore & Company as an assistant.
Mason loves innovative, boundary-pushing literary fiction, engrossing upmarket fiction, and nonfiction that amplifies traditionally underrepresented voices in publishing, particularly those by queer authors. He is not accepting queries at this time.
CLOSED to Submissions | New Literary Agents |LGBTQ Fiction | Literary Fiction | Upmarket Fiction |LGBTQ Nonfiction | Narrative Nonfiction |
Mitch Royer is a literary agent with The Fedd Agency. A 3rd generation Pastor and 12-year veteran of Family Ministry, Mitch has worked with mega churches around the country in cities like Chicago, Phoenix, and Austin. After organizing a Guinness World Record breaking event during an Easter service, Mitch developed a love for event planning and went on to start his own company as an event producer. Specializing in creating and executing large scale events across Texas, the companyÕs well known events include the Texas Whiskey Festival, Rock the Red Kettle, which raised close to 5 million dollars for a local non-profit, and Go Wheels Up, an air, car, and music festival in San Marcos.
Mitch received his bachelorÕs degree in public relations from Indiana University and a masterÕs degree in leadership.
Mitch is a sports and outdoors enthusiast with a passion for self-improvement and loves partnering with authors equally passionate in these categories to bring creative, inspirational, and unique stories to The Fedd Agency.
Accepting Submissions | New Literary Agents | Christian Fiction | Christian Nonfiction |Inspirational Fiction | Religious Fiction | Sports Fiction |Environment | Inspirational Nonfiction | Nature | Religion | Self-Help | Spirituality | Sports | True Adventure |
Peter Rubie is a literary agent with FinePrint Literary Management. Peter specializes in a broad range of high-quality fiction and non-fiction. In non-fiction he specializes in narrative non-fiction, popular science, spirituality, history, biography, pop culture, business and technology, parenting, health, self-help, music, and food. He is a “sucker” for outstanding writing. In fiction he represents literate thrillers, crime fiction, science fiction and fantasy, military fiction and literary fiction, middle grade and some boy oriented young adult fiction.
Rubie is a former BBC Radio and Fleet Street journalist and for several years was the director of the publishing section of the New York University Summer Publishing Institute. He was a member of the NYU faculty for 10 years, and taught the only university-level course in the country on how to become a literary agent.
Prior to becoming an agent he was a publishing house editor for nearly six years, whose authors won prizes and critical acclaim. He has also been the editor-in-chief of a Manhattan local newspaper, and a freelance editor and book doctor for major publishers. He was a regular reviewer for the international trade magazine Publishers Weekly, and is a published author of both fiction and non-fiction. He is a member of AAR, and regularly lectures and writes on publishing and the craft of writing, and was once a professional jazz musician.
Accepting Submissions | Member of the AALA |Picture Book | Juvenile Nonfiction | Middle Grade Fiction | Middle Grade Nonfiction | Young Adult Fiction | Young Adult Nonfiction | Commercial Fiction | Crime Fiction | Espionage Military Fiction | Fantasy | General Fiction | Literary Fiction | Mystery | Romance | Science Fiction | Suspense Fiction | Thriller | Women’s Fiction |General Nonfiction | Biography | Business Book | Cookbook Cooking | Current Events Affairs | Dating Relationships Sex | Family | Food Drink | Health Wellness | History | How-To | Memoir | Money Finance | Music | Narrative Nonfiction | Parenting | Politics | Pop Culture | Religion | Science | Self-Help | Spirituality | Technology | True Crime |
Cynthia Ruchti is a literary agent with the Books & Such Literary Agency. She distinctly remembers telling people, ÒIÕd rather sing three songs on a platform than have to speak my own name into a microphone.Ó It will come as no surprise to those who understand GodÕs sense of humor that sheÕs spent most of her life since that moment with a microphone in her hand; first as writer/producer and corporation president of a national and international radio broadcastÑThe Heartbeat of the HomeÑthen as a speaker/author.
She has served or currently serves on several non-profit ministry boards. Her roles in creating mission and vision statements, problem-solving, negotiating, personnel placement, and handling communications prepared her for similar roles in agenting.
CynthiaÕs experience with American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), as board president (2009-2010) and in her current role as ACFWÕs professional relations liaison (since 2011), helps to keep her informed about the publishing industry and has introduced her to many publishing professionals. She has worked shoulder-to-shoulder with publishers, editors, marketing managers, as well as retailers, library representatives, reviewers, and other agents on industry-centric projects and events and is invited to many of those events as an industry insider.
As author of 21 books to date, Cynthia has experienced the authorÕs side of the process. In addition to novels and novellas, she has written full-length nonfiction and has frequently contributed to devotion collections. In 2016, she was honored to have participated in two Bible projectsÑGuidepostsÕ Mornings with Jesus Daily Bible and The Common English WomenÕs Bible. She understands both the heart of the author and the business side of a writing career, the elements of a strong proposal, and the sometimes labyrinthine path to publication.
Being part of the Books & Such team fulfills another layer in a long-held passion: helping other writers develop their craft and reach their writing career goals. She is an advocate for the power of storyÑfiction and nonfictionÑand a champion for those who create, edit, publish, distribute, review, and sell books. As part of her contribution to other writers, she serves as an instructor or keynoter at writers conferences.
Although Cynthia is open to a few novelists, she currently is focusing her acquisitions attention on nonfiction projects.
Accepting Submissions | Christian Fiction | Christian Nonfiction |General Fiction | Romance |General Nonfiction | Religion | Spirituality |
Elizabeth Rudnick is a literary agent with Gillian MacKenzie Agency. Elizabeth has been working in the publishing industry for over fifteen years. After attending Middlebury College where she majored in American Civilization, she completed the Columbia Publishing Course and discovered a passion for editing young adult and middle grade fiction. A ten year career at Disney/Hyperion followed, during which she worked with best-selling authors such as Melissa de la Cruz, Lisa Papademetriou, Melissa Kantor, and Kathryn Williams and helped bring box-office hits such as Pirates of the Caribbean, Tron, Enchanted, and Prince of Persia from big screen to the page. As a Senior Editor she worked with Miley Cyrus to develop her New York Times bestselling memoir, Miles to Go, and edited Jennifer Lopez’s original series, Amigas. She was also responsible for developing a line of original fiction based on the worlds of Prince of Persia and Pirates of the Caribbean.
Elizabeth also writes her own children’s books, including her original novel, Tweet Heart, as well as bestselling novelizations based on films such as Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Maleficent, Frankenweenie, and Frozen. To keep her finger on the pulse of the middle-grade reader, she has spent three years working as a 6th grade teacher, while continuing her writing and freelance editing. Her interests primarily lie with middle-grade and young adult fiction of all typesÑfrom realistic fiction to fantasy (with a special soft spot for horse- and dragon-related titles). In addition to building her client list, she is focusing on packaging efforts, pairing high-concept ideas and story-lines with strong writers.
CLOSED to Submissions |Picture Book | Chapter Book | Juvenile Nonfiction | Middle Grade Fiction | Middle Grade Nonfiction | Young Adult Fiction | Young Adult Nonfiction | Commercial Fiction | Graphic Novel | Historical Fiction | Literary Fiction | Mystery | Romance | Science Fiction | Thriller | Upmarket Fiction |Science |
John Rudolph is a literary agent with Dystel, Goderich & Bourret, LLC. John Rudolph joined DG&B in 2010 after twelve years as an acquiring childrenÕs book editor. He began his career at Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers as an Editorial Assistant and then moved to the G. P. PutnamÕs Sons imprint of the Penguin Young Readers Group, where he eventually served as Executive Editor on a wide range of young adult, middle-grade, nonfiction, and picture book titles. He graduated from Amherst College with a double major in Classics and Music. While JohnÕs list started out as mostly childrenÕs books, it has evolved to the point where it is now half adult, half childrenÕs authors Ñand heÕs looking to maintain that balance. On the childrenÕs side, John is keenly interested in middle-grade and young adult fiction and would love to find the next great picture book author/illustrator. For adults, he is actively looking for narrative nonfiction, especially in music, sports, history, popular science, Òbig thinkÓ, performing arts, health, business, memoir, military history, and humor. He is also interested in commercial fiction, but is very selective in what he takes on.
Accepting Submissions |Picture Book | Middle Grade Fiction | Young Adult Fiction | Commercial Fiction | Literary Fiction |General Nonfiction | Art | Business Book | Health Wellness | History | Humor Nonfiction | Memoir | Military War Nonfiction | Music | Narrative Nonfiction | Science | Sports | Upmarket Nonfiction |
Robin Rue is a literary agent with Writers House Literary Agency. Robin began her career as an editor at Dell, but has since spent more than 30 years as an agent.
Accepting Submissions |Picture Book | Middle Grade Fiction | Young Adult Fiction | Commercial Fiction | Crime Fiction | Fantasy | General Fiction | Literary Fiction | Mainstream Fiction | Mystery | Paranormal Fiction | Romance | Science Fiction | Suspense Fiction | Thriller | Women’s Fiction |
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About Mark Malatesta
MARK MALATESTA is a former literary agent turned author coach. Mark now helps authors of all genres (fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books) get top literary agents, publishers, and book deals through his company Literary Agent Undercover and The Bestselling Author. Mark’s authors have gotten six-figure book deals, been on the NYT bestseller list, and published with houses such as Random House, Scholastic, and Thomas Nelson. Click here to learn more about Mark Malatesta and click here for Reviews of Mark Malatesta.
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Author Coaching Testimonials
“Mark, finding you has been both a treat and a treasure—I just signed a contract with my new literary agent!
My career has spanned publishing, TV, and feature film. I’ve served as Creative Dir. for the Magazine Group, TIME Inc.; Dir. of Time World News Service, a Founding Dir. of TIME-Life Films; Exec. Prod. for both the CBS and NBC TV Networks; Prod./Dir.: Movies of the Week: CBS Cinema Center Films and Universal MCA.
In today’s publishing marketplace, agents come and go. They also very often seem to just want an easy pathway to make a buck. Many authors are let go by their agents because their last book didn’t do well enough and the agent doesn’t want to devote the time to help the author. That’s not what you’re about Mark. Even established authors need this type of support in today’s marketplace.”
Author of ten fiction and nonfiction books
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“I’m psyched to have this be official. After getting five different offers for representation from top literary agents, I signed with Stephanie Tade who got me a 6-figure book deal with Penguin!
Getting multiple agents interested in my work was really important to me. I’ve dealt with agents before and gotten screwed on things contractually so I wanted to do it differently this time. I wanted choices.
Having you help me create that, and navigate my options, was really helpful. I heard other authors talk about their great relationships with their agents and it made me want the same thing. Now I have that.”
Author of Woman on Fire
(Penguin Books)
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“After sending out the query Mark revised for me, I had the opportunity to speak with literary agents from top agencies such as Janklow & Nesbit, Trident Media, Anderson Lit, and Folio. I signed with Don Fehr at Trident and, a short time later I had a publishing contract with Berkley Books, which recently published my book in hardcover.
Before that, I sent my query letter out on my own to 30 or 40 agents and got a lot of rejections. I then found Mark online while I was researching agents. I was surprised that he offered so much during his initial consultation—for a very modest amount of money.
I don’t know what would have happened if I hadn’t worked with Mark. I can’t even imagine that now though, because of the grief and detours I experienced before we worked together. It was a time-consuming pain in the neck. If you want to get the attention of top literary agents and publishers, there is no substitute for working with an insider. You can’t beat experience. And having Mark on your side is incredibly valuable.”
Author of Single Handed
(Berkley Books, a Division of Penguin Random House)
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“AHHH! OMG, it happened! I got three offers of representation for my children’s picture book in the United States, even though I live abroad! When I woke up and found the first offer for representation in my email in box, I wanted to scream. But my family was still asleep so I couldn’t. 🙂
Just 8 minutes after I sent a query letter to one of my favorite agents, she replied and asked to see my manuscript. A short time later we had a lovely conversation. She was interested in representing me and sounded very positive and enthusiastic about my book. Since I also got offers from two other agents, I had to turn two of them down. One of them was upset and it felt like I was breaking her heart, but you just have to do it. I kept reminding myself that this is a good problem to have!”
Author/Illustrator of Lon-Lon’s Big Night
and many other children’s books
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“Mark, after you helped me land a top literary agent, I got publishing offers from THREE well-known publishers: Amacom, Palgrave Macmillan, and McGraw-Hill (they’re publishing my book in hardcover)!
I was at Disneyworld with my family, in the Haunted Mansion, when I got the call. I went outside and listened to the voicemail message from my agent. A huge smile came over my face. It was a fantastic feeling. For a moment I felt like life was perfect and the angels were singing.
You’re filling an important need so I’ll say this to every other author reading this testimonial. Mark showed me that getting a top literary agent is a science. If you’ve written a book, or you’re in the process, you’ve already invested a lot—a lot more than money. Don’t stop yourself from getting out there to fulfill your purpose and dreams. Thank you so, so much, Mark!!!”
Author of Customer Focused Process Innovation (McGraw Hill)
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“I got a book deal! After I started sending out my new query letter I had 6 literary agents request my manuscript in a short amount of time, which is awesome. Then, within 2 weeks of my agent starting to pitch my story to publishers, we had an offer. I signed a book contract yesterday. A little while later my agent told me that a TV co-producer asked for more info about my book.
By the way, the acquiring editor that fell in love with the manuscript jumped in with both feet and we just worked out our timeline for publication. She’s as passionate about getting my book out as I am, and that means everything. She read the manuscript in two days and said she couldn’t put it down. And the book is going to be published as a hardcover!”
Author of A Chick in the Cockpit
(Behler Publications)
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“Thank you Mark! After you helped me get a well-known agent with Hartline Literary Agency (for my previously self-published murder mystery), he got me a deal with an American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) approved publisher. I’m hard-pressed to find anything that I had an expectation for that you didn’t deliver on.
Before I worked with you I sent out queries, but no one ever requested my complete manuscript. Comparing your new version of my query to the one I wrote before, I can see a vast difference.
I’ve been in business for 35 years so I’m not just saying this… what you’re doing is phenomenal. There are other people offering similar services, but the difference is your success. Others might say they do similar things but, if you research them, they don’t have your background or track record.”
Author of The Rector
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“Mark, you’re a miracle worker. Thanks to your help with my book, query letter, and synopsis… I now have a legitimate publisher who described my book as ‘Powerful Magic’ and it’s now available in bookstores and online!
I’m a lifelong academic writer who one day found myself writing inspired short stories that came to me in dreams and I began thinking of them as novels. That’s when I had a momentous conversation, an introductory coaching call with Mark Malatesta, the American creative writing coach, or rather, to be precise, a how-to-sell-yourself-and-your-work adviser. It was the best-spent money of my life apart (possibly) for my wedding ring.”
Author of The Black Inked Pearl
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“Within 4 minutes of sending out my query letter, a top literary called me on the phone (the #1 agent on my wish list). Less than 30 days later I had three major publishers making offers. A few days after that, I signed a deal with Random House. Mark, your query letter did that.
My agent talked about the query letter you helped me create for a long, long time. When he first called me on the phone, he hadn’t seen any of my sample chapters. It was just the query letter that did it. Communicating the right thing is so important. You are a wonderful medium helping authors find their voice and elevate their writing from just a hobby to a real business… a source from which they can both learn and earn.”
Author of Lights Out
(Random House)
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“MARK, MARK, MARK!!!!!!! Holy smokes… I just signed my book deal. First, two well-known literary agents asked to represent me. One of them responded to my query letter in less than 4 minutes!!
Then THREE different publishers wanted my book and started talking about making offers. The publisher I chose is perfect for me because they produce titles for the trade, educational, and scientific markets. And they agreed to publish my book as a hardcover!!!
When I met you, Mark, it was a pivotal time. I was under the belief that I could self-publish my book with a vanity press and then seek a publisher. I didn’t know what a literary agent was, why I needed one, or how to get one. I was wandering in the dark. You guided me in the right direction and gave me a solid plan.”
Author of Intestinal Health
(Rowman & Littlefield)
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“Boom!!! I just signed a contract with Thomas Nelson/Harper Collins for (what I’ve been told by several people) is a very large advance for a first-time author.
Before working with Mark I submitted my book to agents but didn’t get any interest. This time around I got a top NY literary agency (Fine Print Lit). What cloud is higher than 9?
I had several agencies interested before deciding to go with Fine Print. And, to be honest, all of the attention didn’t surprise me. The query letter and proposal that Mark helped me develop were incredible. Agents actually said things to me like: ‘Scott, I read your proposal and I’m just blown away by it!’ Mark is extremely talented at what he does. If you have the opportunity to work with him, take advantage of it.”
Author of The Unbreakable Boy
(Harper Collins/Thomas Nelson)