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Literary Agent Directory
Important: Visit each agent’s website (links in their listings below) to see if they’re open to submissions before querying.
Alina Mitchell is a literary agent with MacGregor & Luedeke. She received a Bachelor of Arts in English/Professional Writing with a minor in Business Management from Oakwood University, a Master of Arts in English & Secondary Education from the University of Alabama Huntsville (UAH) and an Instructional Design/eLearning Certificate from Oregon State University.
Beginning her writing and education career working as a Freshman Composition instructor at UAH, Alina always encouraged her students to have a sense of agency and own their voices through their writing. She continued to pursue her passion working as a secondary English teacher, principal and higher education administrator.
In 2019, Alina published her debut book, The Color of Beauty: The Life and Work of New York Fashion Icon Ophelia DeVore, which chronicled the life of her grand-aunt Ophelia DeVore, the 1st Black model in the United States. Additionally, she freelances as a writer with Darklight Studios and evaluates standardized writing exams with the Educational Testing Services.
As a literary agent, Alina is actively looking for nonfiction proposals including memoir, biographies, how-to, elementary & secondary education topics, religion/spirituality, narrative nonfiction, and new perspectives in history, arts & culture.
Accepting Submissions | Black Literary Agents | New Literary Agents | Christian Nonfiction | Art | Biography | Cultural Social Issues | Education | History | How-To | Memoir | Narrative Nonfiction | Pop Culture | Religion | Spirituality |
Emily Mitchell is a literary agent with the Wernick & Pratt Agency. She lives in Massachusetts because of Anastasia Krupnik: after reading the eponymous classic dozens of times as a child, she got it in her head that going to college in Massachusetts was something she should do, so she did. Emily began her career at Sheldon Fogelman Agency, handling submissions, subsidiary rights, and coffee. She then spent eleven years at Charlesbridge Publishing as senior editor, contracts manager, and director of corporate strategy. Emily represents both authors and illustrators from picture books to YA, including Traci Sorell, Maia Kobabe, Caron Levis, Richard Ho, Van G. Garrett, Destiny Howell, and Sarah Lynne Reul. She also handles foreign rights, permissions, social media, and IT for the agency. Emily holds a bachelorÕs degree in English from Harvard, a masterÕs in secondary English education from Syracuse, and an MBA from Babson. She lives outside Boston with her family. Emily is accepting new clients in all genres for children.
Accepting Submissions | Authors and Illustrators Only | Member of the AALA |Picture Book | Chapter Book | Juvenile Nonfiction | Middle Grade Fiction | Middle Grade Nonfiction | Young Adult Fiction | Young Adult Nonfiction |Christian Fiction |Graphic Novel |
Heather Mitchell is a literary agent with the Gelfman Schneider/ICM Literary Agency. Heather was born in Montreal, Canada. She started her career in Paris as a sports agent and continued for 15 years before the allure of books brought her skills as an agent to New York and to Gelfman Schneider in 2006. Heather represents a number of bestselling authors, but she is particularly interested in narrative non-fiction, historical fiction and young debut authors with strong voices.
CLOSED to Submissions |Young Adult Fiction | General Fiction | Historical Fiction | Thriller |General Nonfiction | Health Wellness | History | Medical Medicine | Memoir | Narrative Nonfiction |
Kristen Moeller is a literary agent with Waterside Productions, Inc. She has spent over 30 years in the field of psychology and personal growth and over 10 years behind the scenes of the book world, beginning as an acquisitions editor at Morgan James Publishing and later becoming the executive publisher for Persona Publishing, a boutique self-publishing imprint.
Kristen is intimately acquainted with the challenges of being an author. She launched herself into the world of non-fiction with her first published book and has since released two other titles. With her background as a therapist, her experience as an author, and her expertise in the world of publishing, Kristen excels in gently guiding authors through the publishing process as well as providing the much needed encouragement along the way.
A natural-born networker, Kristen loves the relationship building aspect of agenting and has an always expanding list of top editors in both the New York publishing world as well as the most innovative of independents.
For as long as she can remember, escaping into the wonders of a great novel has been a favorite way to unwind. Kristen seeks to discover (mostly female) authors of literary fiction or deep and gritty memoir about walking through the fires of life without losing our way.
A three time TEDx speaker, she has been featured on NPR, ABC, NBC, Fox News, the New York Times, Huffington Post and had a stint on TLCÕs Tiny House Nation.
Kristen lives in the mountains of Colorado with her husband, a Rhodesian Ridgeback and two pit bull rescues.
Accepting Submissions |Young Adult Fiction | Literary Fiction | Women’s Fiction |Memoir | Self-Help | Women’s Issues |
Colleen Mohyde is a literary agent with the Doe Coover Agency. Colleen established an affiliation with the Agency in 1992 after a decade as an editor at Little, Brown & Company. She represents an eclectic and wide-ranging list of authors, including Pulitzer Prize winners, PEN Award recipients, and New York Times bestsellers. She is first and foremost interested in gifted storytelling, whether in literary fiction or narrative non-fiction, and is also interested in biography, business, psychology, health, sports, music, history, and politics.
Accepting Submissions |General Fiction | Literary Fiction |Biography | Business Book | Health Wellness | History | Music | Narrative Nonfiction | Politics | Psychology | Sports |
Stefanie Molina is a literary agent with _Ladderbird. Prior to becoming an agent, Stefanie spent her career advocating for marginalized folks in publishing as a technical editor at a national laboratory, senior editor at the literary journal F(r)iction, and book coach and editor for women of color. She is Asian Latina, (Mexican, Japanese, and Irish), and holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Bachelor of Arts in Communications, both from the University of California at Davis. Aside from reading, she enjoys hiking, swimming, baking, and playing the piano, but spends most of her time spoiling her fur baby Samson. Her favorite place in the world is Yosemite National Park.
CLOSED to Submissions | New Literary Agents | Member of the AALA |Picture Book | Middle Grade Fiction | Young Adult Fiction | Action Adventure | BIPOC Fiction | Chick Lit | Commercial Fiction | Contemporary Fiction | Crime Fiction | Family Saga | Fantasy | General Fiction | Historical Fiction | Humor Fiction | LGBTQ Fiction | Magical Realism | Multicultural Fiction | Mystery | New Adult Fiction | Romance | Science Fiction | Suspense Fiction | Thriller | Upmarket Fiction | Women’s Fiction |Animals | BIPOC Nonfiction | Business Book | Cookbook Cooking | Food Drink | Memoir | Multicultural Nonfiction | Music | Narrative Nonfiction |
Katie Monson is a literary agent with SBR Media. She has been self-employed, watching children in her home for the last 12 years, and has enjoyed the privilege of being home to raise her children. She recently made the decision to massively change up her life and find a different path to take while still being able to home with her kids, leading her to SBR Media. Katie has always had a passion for reading ever since she was a little girl. Over the years she developed a strong interest in reading indie romance books, which naturally led to blogging, beta reading and editing small manuscripts for authors. She is self-motivated, organized and ready to represent clients and help lead them to success.
When Katie isnÕt reading, sitting by the pool, or complaining about the cold Rochester winters, she can be found traveling to the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee and spending time with her husband and four children in Rochester, NY.
ÒA book is a device to ignite the imagination.Ó ~ Alan Bennett
CLOSED to Submissions | New Literary Agents | Member of the AALA |Picture Book | Middle Grade Fiction | Young Adult Fiction | Chick Lit | Commercial Fiction | Contemporary Fiction | Crime Fiction | Family Saga | Humor Fiction | New Adult Fiction | Romance | Suspense Fiction | Thriller | Upmarket Fiction | Women’s Fiction |
Tyler Monson is a literary agent with Sterling Lord Literistic. Tyler joined Sterling Lord Literistic, Inc. in 2023 and assists Doug Stewart, Neeti Madan, and Nadyne Pike. Tyler loves books about everyday life and the moments that rupture its routine to surprise, delight, frustrate, reroute, and renew our humanity and bend toward hope. He seeks out fiction and nonfiction that imagines otherwise and other ways of being in the world. In fiction, he enjoys writing about place, family, desire, and time in playful or inventive ways. Tyler values nonfiction that centers the voices and subjects of those who live in the margins of the social, political, and cultural mainstream, especially queer and trans folks. Also, he is interested in literary criticism and essays, data collection and its uses, and everything about tennis. Tyler has a Ph.D. in American Literature from Marquette University. He has held teaching positions at Dartmouth College, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Marquette University, and Seton Hall University. He lives in Manhattan with his partner and their cat and dog.
Accepting Submissions | New Literary Agents |Family Saga |Cultural Social Issues | LGBTQ Nonfiction | Multicultural Nonfiction | Reference | Sports | Technology |
Tyler Monson is a literary agent with Sterling Lord Literistic. Tyler joined Sterling Lord Literistic, Inc. in 2023 and assists Doug Stewart, Neeti Madan, and Nadyne Pike. Tyler loves books about everyday life and the moments that rupture its routine to surprise, delight, frustrate, reroute, and renew our humanity and bend toward hope. He seeks out fiction and nonfiction that imagines otherwise and other ways of being in the world. In fiction, he enjoys writing about place, family, desire, and time in playful or inventive ways. Tyler values nonfiction that centers the voices and subjects of those who live in the margins of the social, political, and cultural mainstream, especially queer and trans folks. Also, he is interested in literary criticism and essays, data collection and its uses, and everything about tennis. Tyler has a Ph.D. in American Literature from Marquette University. He has held teaching positions at Dartmouth College, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Marquette University, and Seton Hall University. He lives in Manhattan with his partner and their cat and dog.
Accepting Submissions | New Literary Agents |Family Saga |Cultural Social Issues | LGBTQ Nonfiction | Multicultural Nonfiction | Reference | Sports | Technology |
Andrea Montejo is a literary agent with the Indent Literary Agency. A native of Colombia, Andrea graduated from the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne. She started her career in publishing at HarperCollins in New York, where she was one of the founding editors of Rayo, the companyÕs Latino and Spanish-language imprint. Responsible for the publication of over 30 titles a year, she focused on bringing authors from Spain and Latin America to the United States. In 2007, Andrea started the Indent Literary Agency, where she represents Latino and Latin American authors for the U.S. market and throughout the world.
Accepting Submissions |General Fiction | Literary Fiction |Cookbook Cooking | Cultural Social Issues | Current Events Affairs | Government | Journalism | Memoir | Multicultural Nonfiction | Narrative Nonfiction | True Crime | Women’s Issues |
Mary C. Moore is a literary agent with Aevitas Creative Management. She has represented the Nebula-nominated The Unbroken by C.L. Clark (Orbit,2021); and Indie Next and Book of the Month pick The Keeper of Night by Kylie Lee Baker (Inkyard, 2021).
MaryÕs first career was in field biology, which took her around the world, from Ghana to Costa Rica to Maui, before settling at the San Francisco Zoo. But her love of books proved to be just as strong as her love of animals. While working at the zoo she earned her MFA in Creative Writing and English at Mills College, Oakland. She worked as a literary agent at Kimberley Cameron & Associates before moving to Aevitas.
Mary represents a wide range of fiction as an Aevitas agent based in the Bay Area. She likes to work with clients long-term, and is comfortable representing multiple genres/age-ranges that an author is interested in, although prefers to begin a partnership in one genre before jumping to another. She is currently hoping to find layered and deeply satisfying upmarket fiction, bookclub fiction with light speculative elements, and smart female sleuth stories.
CLOSED to Submissions | Member of the AALA |Middle Grade Fiction | Young Adult Fiction | BIPOC Fiction | Commercial Fiction | Crime Fiction | Fantasy | General Fiction | Historical Fiction | Horror | LGBTQ Fiction | Literary Fiction | Magical Realism | Multicultural Fiction | Mystery | Romance | Science Fiction | Suspense Fiction | Thriller | Upmarket Fiction | Western Fiction | Women’s Fiction |History | Humor Nonfiction | Pop Culture | Psychology | Science |
Penny Moore is a literary agent with Aevitas Creative Management. She is a Senior Agent at who represents childrenÕs literature, mainly middle grade, chapter books, young adult, and select picture books. Her standout authors include: Shawn Amos, Akemi Dawn Bowman, Waka T. Brown, Auriane Desombre, Lyla Lee, Sangu Mandanna, Nicki Pau Preto, Maya Prasad, Jenna Yoon, and Katie Zhao.
Though sheÕs interested in all genres, sheÕs specifically seeking inventive works featuring breakout voices and compelling plot lines that will make young readers feel seen and heard for the first time.
Moore graduated from the University of Georgia with a double degree in Linguistics and Japanese Language & Literature. During her time as an undergraduate, she also studied comparative literature at top universities in Japan and South Korea. Penny joined Aevitas in 2018, starting in the industry as an assistant/associate agent at FinePrint Literary Management in 2014, then joining Empire Literary as an agent two years later, where she built out the childrenÕs portion of the agencyÕs list.
Accepting Submissions |Picture Book | Chapter Book | Middle Grade Fiction | Young Adult Fiction | Contemporary Fiction | Fantasy | Horror | LGBTQ Fiction | Magical Realism | Romance | Suspense Fiction | Thriller | Upmarket Fiction |
Max Moorhead is a literary agent with Massie & McQuilkin. Max began his publishing career at The New Republic as an editorial fellow before joining Massie & McQuilkin in 2019 in a junior role. Over the years he has cultivated a client list while also managing backlist titles by Russell & Volkening clients including Annie Dillard, Eudora Welty, Bernard Malamud, Barbara Tuchman, and Marian Engel. Raised in New Hampshire, he graduated with honors from The New School earning a B.A. in Creative Writing. As an agent he specializes in literary fiction, narrative nonfiction, biography, cultural history, and memoir.
Accepting Submissions | New Literary Agents |General Fiction | Literary Fiction |Biography | Cultural Social Issues | History | Memoir | Narrative Nonfiction | Politics | Pop Culture |
Max Moorhead is a literary agent with Massie & McQuilkin. Max began his publishing career at The New Republic as an editorial fellow before joining Massie & McQuilkin in 2019 in a junior role. Over the years he has cultivated a client list while also managing backlist titles by Russell & Volkening clients including Annie Dillard, Eudora Welty, Bernard Malamud, Barbara Tuchman, and Marian Engel. Raised in New Hampshire, he graduated with honors from The New School earning a B.A. in Creative Writing. As an agent he specializes in literary fiction, narrative nonfiction, biography, cultural history, and memoir.
Accepting Submissions | New Literary Agents |General Fiction | Literary Fiction |Biography | Cultural Social Issues | History | Memoir | Narrative Nonfiction | Politics | Pop Culture |
Patricia Moosbrugger
Patricia Moosbrugger Literary AgencyAccepting SubmissionsQuery Method(s): Email >Biography
Patricia Moosbrugger is a literary agent with the Patricia Moosbrugger Literary Agency. Patricia is an independent literary agent based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Her client list includes several national bestsellers in both fiction and narrative nonfiction. She spent 15 years in the New York publishing world where she was director of subsidiary rights at Walker Books and Golden Books and acted as agent and rights director at the Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency.
Accepting Submissions |Picture Book | Juvenile Nonfiction | Young Adult Fiction | Young Adult Nonfiction | General Fiction |General Nonfiction |
Claire (Easton) Morance is a literary agent with Painted Words. She began her publishing career at Painted Words in 2012. She is currently seeking picture book submissions from author-illustrators. She loves stories with humor and heart, relatable characters, unpredictable endings, and books that reflect the diversity of childrenÕs experiences. Her favorite stories inspire compassion, curiosity, and a fresh way of looking at the world.
Accepting Submissions | Authors and Illustrators Only |Picture Book | Juvenile Nonfiction |
Alan Morell is a literary agent with Creative Management Partners. He is an American uber agent in the disciplines of Literary, Talent, Business Management, Branding Media Strategy, IP and Commercial Products Licensing. He is the Chairman and CEO of THE CREATIVE MANAGEMENT AGENCY: Creative Management Partners LLC, headquartered in Beverly Hills, CA, with partner offices in New York, Toronto, and London.
Mr. Morell has had a long and successful career. Clients under his management have gone on to win prestigious awards: Grammy, Tony, Emmy, ESPY, Victors and NY Times Best Seller Author.
In over 30 years in the industry, he has managed more than 2,500 campaigns serving disciplines in Literary, Television, Film, Consulting, Advisory, as well as live events for the sectors of Entertainment, Sports, Arts and Corporate America.
Mr. Morell also has experience in developing growth strategy and market positioning for clients within the fashion, beauty, health, and lifestyle sectors. This includes identifying celebrity associations for media campaigns with video news releases, social media, and print and online publications, as well as coordinating with hundreds of news affiliates including Fox, MSNBC, and CNBC for live appearances and taped interviews.
Alan Morell supports several humanitarian efforts, including relief efforts in Darfur, the Clinton Foundation, and Haiti Relief, and serves on the Board of Leadership of Mass General Hospital.
Mr. Morell began his career at International Management Group, where he served in numerous executive capacities, including Corporate Vice President. He holds a degree from the University of Florida. His book, Social Media: Rebranding Outside the Clutter, will be released in fall of 2017 by iBooks.
Accepting Submissions | New Literary Agents | General Nonfiction | Beauty Fashion Style | Cookbook Cooking | Current Events Affairs | Food Drink | Health Wellness | Lifestyle | Medical Medicine | Politics |
Susan Morgan Farris
Farris Literary AgencyCLOSED to SubmissionsQuery Method(s): Email > Postal Mail >Biography
Susan Morgan Farris is a literary agent with the Farris Literary Agency. She earned a cum laude English degree, with a Communications minor, from Stephen F. Austin State University in Texas. She also served as an editor and staff writer on the campus newspaper. She then obtained a law degree from Texas Tech University School of Law in 1983. In addition to practicing law, Susan has edited several non-fiction publications and consulted to screenwriters, novelists, and non-fiction authors. She has also taught college-level English and served as judge for screenwriting competitions. As an attorney, she has submitted manuscripts to publishers and screenplays to production companies. These submissions are the genesis of Farris Literary Agency, Inc.
CLOSED to Submissions | Christian Fiction | Christian Nonfiction |Action Adventure | General Fiction | Literary Fiction | Mainstream Fiction | Mystery | Suspense Fiction | Thriller |General Nonfiction | Biography | Current Events Affairs | Film Entertainment | History | How-To | Inspirational Nonfiction | Law Legal | Politics | Pop Culture | Self-Help | Spirituality | Sports | Travel | True Crime | Women’s Issues |
Emmanuelle Morgen is a literary agent with Stonesong Literary Agency. She represents childrenÕs books for all ages, from picture book to YA, as well as adult commercial fiction and nonfiction. In fiction, she particularly enjoys science fiction and fantasy, womenÕs fiction and romance, historical fiction, and novels that give voice to the experiences of marginalized voices. She has a soft spot for journey stories and well-developed villains. In nonfiction, she works with psychology, sociology, self-help, and memoir. Emmanuelle has worked in book publishing her entire career, beginning at Fodor’s, the travel division of Random House in 1999. In 2006, she joined Wendy Sherman Associates as an agent, and in 2011 she moved to Stonesong. Prior to starting a career in book publishing, she worked briefly as a teacher, baker, server, and library shelver at various times during high school, college, and a gap year after college. As bi-cultural American, she is particularly interested in outsider stories and perspectives.
CLOSED to Submissions |Picture Book | Chapter Book | Juvenile Nonfiction | Middle Grade Fiction | Middle Grade Nonfiction | Young Adult Fiction | Young Adult Nonfiction | BIPOC Fiction | Commercial Fiction | Contemporary Fiction | Crime Fiction | Fantasy | General Fiction | Historical Fiction | Multicultural Fiction | Mystery | Romance | Science Fiction | Suspense Fiction | Thriller | Women’s Fiction |General Nonfiction | Biography | BIPOC Nonfiction | Cultural Social Issues | History | Memoir | Mind Body Spirit | Multicultural Nonfiction | Psychology | Science | Self-Help |
Howard Morhaim is a literary agent with the Howard Morhaim Literary Agency. Howard Morhaim’s publishing career has included time as a line editor, as a book doctor, and as an acquisitions editor in a variety of publishing houses in New York. In 1979, he established his eponymous literary agency, making use of his editing background to foster close relationships with his clients and their work. He represents renowned authorities in history, biography, art, architecture, science, and religion, as well as canonical authors in literary fiction, thrillers, mystery, science fiction, and fantasy.
CLOSED to Submissions | Member of the AALA |Crime Fiction | Fantasy | General Fiction | Graphic Novel | Horror | Literary Fiction | Mystery | Romance | Science Fiction | Thriller |General Nonfiction | Architecture | Art | Biography | Business Book | Current Events Affairs | Dating Relationships Sex | Economics | Health Wellness | History | Lifestyle | Memoir | Money Finance | Narrative Nonfiction | Parenting | Photography | Politics | Reference | Religion | Science | Sports | Travel | True Crime |
Will Morningstar is a literary agent with the Laura Gross Literary Agency. He says: “A Boston-area native, I studied the anthropology of religion before turning to publishing. I began my editorial career with two magazines at Harvard University and later as an assistant at LGLA. I have several years of experience as a freelance editor for academic and trade publishers, and have also worked as an indie bookseller and film producer. I now spend much of my time as a freelance Spanish-to-English translator. My translations can be found in the Massachusetts Review and Latin American Literature Today.
As an affiliate agent, I will focus mainly on bringing Spanish-language books into Anglophone markets, but I am also building a small list of authors who write in English. I work with literature for both children and adults and am committed to amplifying underrepresented voices.”
CLOSED to Submissions |BIPOC Fiction | General Fiction | Multicultural Fiction |General Nonfiction | BIPOC Nonfiction | Multicultural Nonfiction |
Gary Morris is a literary agent with the David Black Agency. Gary started working as a literary agent in 1996 after a brief period in graduate school studying literature. These facts are almost entirely unrelated. Since then he has represented New York Times and national best sellers, award-winning non-fiction and fiction. He has worked on books in many categories, including politics and current events, biography, memoir, practical non-fiction, and impractical fiction. He works very closely with his clients to ensure that what is presented to publishers is the best and most marketable expression of their work.
CLOSED to Submissions |Commercial Fiction | General Fiction | Literary Fiction |General Nonfiction | Biography | Current Events Affairs | Memoir | Politics |
Natascha Morris is a literary agent with The Tobias Literary Agency. She joined The Tobias Agency in 2020 after previously working at BookEnds Literary. With a B.A. in English Literary Studies and a M.S. in Publishing, Natascha is a self-described Òpublishing nerd.Ó She spent most of her childhood in a leather chair, with her nose in a book, and her passion for books across genres, coupled with her desire to find amazing talent, drove her to make the transition from editorial to literary agent.
NataschaÕs editorial philosophy stems from the idea that all books should be well written and entertaining, and that all children should see themselves and their lives in books. Some of her books include ALA award winning Queen of Physics by Teresa Robeson, Grandpa Grumps by Katrina Moore, JLG selected We Wait for the Sun and Oona illustrated by Raissa Figueroa, and The Library of Lost Things and A Cuban GirlÕs Guide to Tea and Tomorrow by Laura Taylor Namey.
SheÕs is primarily looking for picture books, middle grade graphic novels, and young adult across most genres, including graphic novels. She is also open to illustrator submissions.
Accepting Submissions | Authors and Illustrators Only |Picture Book | Middle Grade Fiction | Young Adult Fiction |
Richard Morris is a literary agent with Janklow & Nesbitt Associates. Richard Morris has been with Janklow & Nesbit Associates since 1998 representing narrative nonfiction and literary fiction. He is particularly interested in books that challenge our common assumptions, be it in the fields of cultural history, business, food, sports, science or faith.
Richard grew up in Philadelphia and received a B.A. in English Literature from Hobart College in 1992 and an M.F.A. from Emerson College in 1997. He studied abroad through Advanced Studies in England in Bath and Trinity College in Rome.
Accepting Submissions |General Fiction | Literary Fiction |General Nonfiction | Business Book | Cultural Social Issues | Food Drink | History | Money Finance | Narrative Nonfiction | Religion | Science | Spirituality | Sports |
Andrea Morrison is a literary agent with Writers House. She says: “I’ve worked in both the California and New York offices of Writers House, having started as an intern, and worked my way up to agent. I’ve had the opportunity to work closely with a variety of award-winning authors and illustrators, in genres ranging from picture books to middle grade and YA, to adult literary and upmarket fiction.
I studied Literature & Writing at University of California, San Diego and earned my MFA in Fiction from Columbia University Ñ not only do I understand the revision process from an agentÕs point of view, I also understand it from a writerÕs perspective. I truly love editorial work, and am hands-on when it comes to helping authors revise and build projects.”
Accepting Submissions | Authors and Illustrators Only | Member of the AALA |Picture Book | Juvenile Nonfiction | Middle Grade Fiction | Middle Grade Nonfiction | Young Adult Fiction | Young Adult Nonfiction | Chick Lit | Commercial Fiction | Contemporary Fiction | Family Saga | General Fiction | Graphic Novel | Literary Fiction | Magical Realism | New Adult Fiction | Romance | Upmarket Fiction | Women’s Fiction |General Nonfiction | Film Entertainment | Memoir | Narrative Nonfiction | Pop Culture | Upmarket Nonfiction |
Michele Mortimer is a literary agent with Darhansoff & Verrill Literary Agents. She started with the agency as a freelance reader and joined full-time in 2003. In addition to representing select clients, she is our In-House Editor and Rights Director, covering serial sales and permissions. She currently considers literary fiction, sophisticated crime and mystery, young adult fiction, and fully-illustrated picture books. Nonfiction interests include music, sports, yoga & mindfulness, animal welfare, feminism, and crime.
Accepting Submissions |Juvenile Nonfiction | Young Adult Fiction | BIPOC Fiction | Crime Fiction | General Fiction | Historical Fiction | Horror | LGBTQ Fiction | Literary Fiction | Multicultural Fiction | Mystery | Romance | Suspense Fiction | Thriller | Upmarket Fiction | Women’s Fiction |General Nonfiction | Animals | Biography | BIPOC Nonfiction | Cookbook Cooking | Cultural Social Issues | Current Events Affairs | Health Wellness | History | LGBTQ Nonfiction | Lifestyle | Memoir | Mind Body Spirit | Multicultural Nonfiction | Music | Narrative Nonfiction | Nature | Pop Culture | Sports | True Crime | Women’s Issues |
Leah Moss is an associate agent at Steven Literary. She graduated from Lake Forest College in 2020, where she studied Creative Writing, Publishing, and Digital Media Design. A lifelong reader, she’s spent the past few years working at libraries and has always dreamed of working in the book publishing industry. When she isn’t being a professional bookworm, Leah can probably be found playing her harp or tending to her Stardew Valley farm.
CLOSED to Submissions | Black Literary Agents | New Literary Agents |Picture Book | Young Adult Fiction | BIPOC Fiction | Fantasy | Gothic Fiction | Horror | LGBTQ Fiction | New Adult Fiction | Romance |
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Directory Instructions
Use the drop-down menu on the left to search for agents by genre, gender, location, longevity, or AAR Status. To find a specific agent or agency, enter the agent’s name or the name of the agency into the search box.
Important: If you use the search box, you must remove the search term by pressing the “Clear Search” link before you look for more agents using the drop-down menu (or you won’t see the proper results). Click on the “Show Notes” and “Show Bio” links underneath each agent for more information about that agent.
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About Mark Malatesta
MARK MALATESTA is a former literary agent turned author coach. Mark now helps authors of all genres (fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books) get top literary agents, publishers, and book deals through his company Literary Agent Undercover and The Bestselling Author. Mark’s authors have gotten six-figure book deals, been on the NYT bestseller list, and published with houses such as Random House, Scholastic, and Thomas Nelson. Click here to learn more about Mark Malatesta and click here for Reviews of Mark Malatesta.
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Author Coaching Testimonials
“Mark, finding you has been both a treat and a treasure—I just signed a contract with my new literary agent!
My career has spanned publishing, TV, and feature film. I’ve served as Creative Dir. for the Magazine Group, TIME Inc.; Dir. of Time World News Service, a Founding Dir. of TIME-Life Films; Exec. Prod. for both the CBS and NBC TV Networks; Prod./Dir.: Movies of the Week: CBS Cinema Center Films and Universal MCA.
In today’s publishing marketplace, agents come and go. They also very often seem to just want an easy pathway to make a buck. Many authors are let go by their agents because their last book didn’t do well enough and the agent doesn’t want to devote the time to help the author. That’s not what you’re about Mark. Even established authors need this type of support in today’s marketplace.”
Author of ten fiction and nonfiction books
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“I’m psyched to have this be official. After getting five different offers for representation from top literary agents, I signed with Stephanie Tade who got me a 6-figure book deal with Penguin!
Getting multiple agents interested in my work was really important to me. I’ve dealt with agents before and gotten screwed on things contractually so I wanted to do it differently this time. I wanted choices.
Having you help me create that, and navigate my options, was really helpful. I heard other authors talk about their great relationships with their agents and it made me want the same thing. Now I have that.”
Author of Woman on Fire
(Penguin Books)
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“After sending out the query Mark revised for me, I had the opportunity to speak with literary agents from top agencies such as Janklow & Nesbit, Trident Media, Anderson Lit, and Folio. I signed with Don Fehr at Trident and, a short time later I had a publishing contract with Berkley Books, which recently published my book in hardcover.
Before that, I sent my query letter out on my own to 30 or 40 agents and got a lot of rejections. I then found Mark online while I was researching agents. I was surprised that he offered so much during his initial consultation—for a very modest amount of money.
I don’t know what would have happened if I hadn’t worked with Mark. I can’t even imagine that now though, because of the grief and detours I experienced before we worked together. It was a time-consuming pain in the neck. If you want to get the attention of top literary agents and publishers, there is no substitute for working with an insider. You can’t beat experience. And having Mark on your side is incredibly valuable.”
Author of Single Handed
(Berkley Books, a Division of Penguin Random House)
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“AHHH! OMG, it happened! I got three offers of representation for my children’s picture book in the United States, even though I live abroad! When I woke up and found the first offer for representation in my email in box, I wanted to scream. But my family was still asleep so I couldn’t. 🙂
Just 8 minutes after I sent a query letter to one of my favorite agents, she replied and asked to see my manuscript. A short time later we had a lovely conversation. She was interested in representing me and sounded very positive and enthusiastic about my book. Since I also got offers from two other agents, I had to turn two of them down. One of them was upset and it felt like I was breaking her heart, but you just have to do it. I kept reminding myself that this is a good problem to have!”
Author/Illustrator of Lon-Lon’s Big Night
and many other children’s books
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“Mark, after you helped me land a top literary agent, I got publishing offers from THREE well-known publishers: Amacom, Palgrave Macmillan, and McGraw-Hill (they’re publishing my book in hardcover)!
I was at Disneyworld with my family, in the Haunted Mansion, when I got the call. I went outside and listened to the voicemail message from my agent. A huge smile came over my face. It was a fantastic feeling. For a moment I felt like life was perfect and the angels were singing.
You’re filling an important need so I’ll say this to every other author reading this testimonial. Mark showed me that getting a top literary agent is a science. If you’ve written a book, or you’re in the process, you’ve already invested a lot—a lot more than money. Don’t stop yourself from getting out there to fulfill your purpose and dreams. Thank you so, so much, Mark!!!”
Author of Customer Focused Process Innovation (McGraw Hill)
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“I got a book deal! After I started sending out my new query letter I had 6 literary agents request my manuscript in a short amount of time, which is awesome. Then, within 2 weeks of my agent starting to pitch my story to publishers, we had an offer. I signed a book contract yesterday. A little while later my agent told me that a TV co-producer asked for more info about my book.
By the way, the acquiring editor that fell in love with the manuscript jumped in with both feet and we just worked out our timeline for publication. She’s as passionate about getting my book out as I am, and that means everything. She read the manuscript in two days and said she couldn’t put it down. And the book is going to be published as a hardcover!”
Author of A Chick in the Cockpit
(Behler Publications)
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“Thank you Mark! After you helped me get a well-known agent with Hartline Literary Agency (for my previously self-published murder mystery), he got me a deal with an American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) approved publisher. I’m hard-pressed to find anything that I had an expectation for that you didn’t deliver on.
Before I worked with you I sent out queries, but no one ever requested my complete manuscript. Comparing your new version of my query to the one I wrote before, I can see a vast difference.
I’ve been in business for 35 years so I’m not just saying this… what you’re doing is phenomenal. There are other people offering similar services, but the difference is your success. Others might say they do similar things but, if you research them, they don’t have your background or track record.”
Author of The Rector
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“Mark, you’re a miracle worker. Thanks to your help with my book, query letter, and synopsis… I now have a legitimate publisher who described my book as ‘Powerful Magic’ and it’s now available in bookstores and online!
I’m a lifelong academic writer who one day found myself writing inspired short stories that came to me in dreams and I began thinking of them as novels. That’s when I had a momentous conversation, an introductory coaching call with Mark Malatesta, the American creative writing coach, or rather, to be precise, a how-to-sell-yourself-and-your-work adviser. It was the best-spent money of my life apart (possibly) for my wedding ring.”
Author of The Black Inked Pearl
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“Within 4 minutes of sending out my query letter, a top literary called me on the phone (the #1 agent on my wish list). Less than 30 days later I had three major publishers making offers. A few days after that, I signed a deal with Random House. Mark, your query letter did that.
My agent talked about the query letter you helped me create for a long, long time. When he first called me on the phone, he hadn’t seen any of my sample chapters. It was just the query letter that did it. Communicating the right thing is so important. You are a wonderful medium helping authors find their voice and elevate their writing from just a hobby to a real business… a source from which they can both learn and earn.”
Author of Lights Out
(Random House)
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“MARK, MARK, MARK!!!!!!! Holy smokes… I just signed my book deal. First, two well-known literary agents asked to represent me. One of them responded to my query letter in less than 4 minutes!!
Then THREE different publishers wanted my book and started talking about making offers. The publisher I chose is perfect for me because they produce titles for the trade, educational, and scientific markets. And they agreed to publish my book as a hardcover!!!
When I met you, Mark, it was a pivotal time. I was under the belief that I could self-publish my book with a vanity press and then seek a publisher. I didn’t know what a literary agent was, why I needed one, or how to get one. I was wandering in the dark. You guided me in the right direction and gave me a solid plan.”
Author of Intestinal Health
(Rowman & Littlefield)
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“Boom!!! I just signed a contract with Thomas Nelson/Harper Collins for (what I’ve been told by several people) is a very large advance for a first-time author.
Before working with Mark I submitted my book to agents but didn’t get any interest. This time around I got a top NY literary agency (Fine Print Lit). What cloud is higher than 9?
I had several agencies interested before deciding to go with Fine Print. And, to be honest, all of the attention didn’t surprise me. The query letter and proposal that Mark helped me develop were incredible. Agents actually said things to me like: ‘Scott, I read your proposal and I’m just blown away by it!’ Mark is extremely talented at what he does. If you have the opportunity to work with him, take advantage of it.”
Author of The Unbreakable Boy
(Harper Collins/Thomas Nelson)