The Directory of Literary Agents
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Literary Agent Directory
Important: Visit each agent’s website (links in their listings below) to see if they’re open to submissions before querying.
Rachel Sussman
Rachel Sussman is a literary agent with the Chalberg & Sussman Literary Agency. A graduate of Brown University, Rachel Sussman worked as an editor at Scribner and as an agent with Zachary Shuster Harmsworth before co-founding Chalberg & Sussman. She represents a wide range of nonfictionÑnarrative, memoir, psychology, history, lifestyle, and pop cultureÑand a select list of literary fiction.
RachelÕs clients run the gamut from journalists like Mary Papenfuss (American Huckster: How Chuck Blazer Got Rich FromÑand Sold OutÑThe Most Powerful Cabal in World Sports) and Linda Hervieux (Forgotten: The Untold Story of the Only African-American Combat Unit at D-Day) to self-proclaimed mediocre mother Karen Alpert (I Heart My Little A-Holes) and DIY experts Sherry and John Petersik (Young House Love).
Rachel enjoys developing Òbig thinkÓ booksÑclients include psychology professor Hal Herzog, author of Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat: Why It’s So Hard to Think Straight about Animals and Deborah Cohen, MD, author of A Big Fat Crisis: The Hidden Forces Behind the Obesity Epidemic and How We Can End ItÑand is proud to represent memoirists Matt Logelin (Two Kisses for Maddy), Jennifer Ridha (Criminal That I Am), and Tracy Slater (The Good Shufu).
Her list of fiction writers include Natashia Deon, author of the award-winning debut Grace, Tiffany Hawk, author of Love Me Anyway, and Kristin Waterfield Duisberg, author of The Good Patient and After.
RachelÕs projects, which include New York Times and USA Today bestsellers, Amazon Best Books of the Year, and Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers selections, have been translated throughout the world and optioned by major studios and independent producers for both the big and small screens.
Accepting Submissions | General Nonfiction | Art | Biography | Health Wellness | History | Humor Nonfiction | Lifestyle | Memoir | Mind Body Spirit | Narrative Nonfiction | Photography | Pop Culture | Psychology | Science | Self-Help | Upmarket Nonfiction |
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