The Directory of Literary Agents
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Literary Agent Directory
Important: Visit each agent’s website (links in their listings below) to see if they’re open to submissions before querying.
Michael Carr
Michael Carr is a literary agent with the Veritas Literary Agency. With a strong background in editing and writing, Michael enjoys teaching at workshops and conferences to help develop emerging writers. He is fluent in Spanish and speaks conversational French. Before joining Veritas, Michael had professions as diverse as programming simulators for nuclear submarines and owning an inn in Vermont.
Accepting Submissions |Middle Grade Fiction | Young Adult Fiction | Action Adventure | Chick Lit | Commercial Fiction | Contemporary Fiction | Crime Fiction | Family Saga | Fantasy | Graphic Novel | Historical Fiction | Horror | LGBTQ Fiction | Magical Realism | Multicultural Fiction | Mystery | Science Fiction | Suspense Fiction | Thriller | Upmarket Fiction | Women’s Fiction |General Nonfiction | Biography | Environment | History | Memoir | Military War Nonfiction | Multicultural Nonfiction | Music | Narrative Nonfiction | Nature | Science | Sports | Technology | Travel | True Crime |
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