The Directory of Literary Agents
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Literary Agent Directory
Important: Visit each agent’s website (links in their listings below) to see if they’re open to submissions before querying.
Jenna Satterthwaite
Jenna Satterthwaite is a literary agent with the Storm Literary Agency. She reached agenting sideways, as many do. She didnÕt know agenting existed until she wrote her first novel back in 2014 and learned she had to do this thing called Òquerying.Ó Fast forward many years during which she wrote many novels and became agented herself, and she had an aha moment. Agenting was the nexus where her two decades of business experience in sales, pitching, project management and contract negotiation met her decade of bookish experience. After completing internships with Liza Dawson Associates and Rees Literary, Jenna joined Storm as an agent in 2024.
SheÕs looking to represent authors over the course of their careers who are passionate about their work and willing to arm themselves with the tenacity that it takes to succeed in the world of publishing. She is an editorial agent who wants to help make your manuscript the best and most sellable version of itself, and then pitch the heck out of it to the right editors. Jenna is here to help you navigate this career that can unfold in so many different ways, advocate for you, and seek your best interests. SheÕs not afraid of multi-genre writers, (sheÕs one herself!) and she is ready to try and break your name into as many genres and age groups as you want to write. YOU are your brand!
Omnivorous in her taste, Jenna is seeking to represent adult, Young Adult and Middle Grade commercial fiction in most genres, graphic novels from middle grade to young adult, adult non-fiction, and very select picture books. (See submission guidelines for more details.) Jenna is also fully bilingual English/Spanish, so dual language projects are most welcome!
Jenna lives in Chicago with her family, and when she’s not agenting, reading or writing, you can find her trying a Milk Street recipe, making music in living rooms with friends, or plotting when she can get sushi next.
CLOSED to Submissions | New Literary Agents |Picture Book | Middle Grade Fiction | Young Adult Fiction |Christian Nonfiction |Commercial Fiction | Fantasy | General Fiction | Graphic Novel | LGBTQ Fiction | Magical Realism | Mystery | Religious Fiction | Romance | Science Fiction | Suspense Fiction | Thriller | Upmarket Fiction | Women’s Fiction |Health Wellness | LGBTQ Nonfiction | Memoir | Mind Body Spirit | Parenting | Religion | Self-Help | Spirituality | Women’s Issues |
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