Max Gartenberg Literary Agency is an author-focused agency, which handles books of fiction and non-fiction intended for general readers. Established in 1954 in New York City, the agency has since migrated first to New Jersey and most recently Pennsylvania. Among notable books the agency has handled in its fifty years history are Don Robertson’s Paradise Falls (Putnam), a Main Selection of the Literary Guild; W. S. Kuniczak’s The Thousand Hour Day (Dial), a Main Selection of the Book of the Month Club; The Seven Military Classics of Ancient China (Westview) by Ralph D. Sawyer, a Selection of the Military Book Club; The Dying of the Trees by Charles E. Little (Viking), The Frog Prince by Maurice Girodias (Crown), Once They Moved Like the Wind by David Roberts (Simon and Schuster), The Total Film-Maker by Jerry Lewis (Random House), A Heritage of Stone by Jim Garrison (Putnam), Bird: The Legend of Charlie Parker by Robert George Reisner (Citadel), Phantom Illness by Carla Cantor (Houghton Mifflin); and hundreds of other books in both hard and soft covers.
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Warning! – Max Gartenberg Literary Agency
Most literary agency directories (print and online) are outdated, incomplete, and riddled with mistakes. If you rely on those directories to find literary agents at Max Gartenberg Literary Agency, you’re going to hurt your chances of getting an agent to represent you.
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