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Group of Book Agents with Literary Agencies | Find a Literary Agent

Literary Agencies 2024-2025 | Finding a Literary Agent | FREE ACCESS to US Literary Agents

Group of Book Agents with US Literary Agencies | Finding a Literary AgentLiterary Agencies 2024-2025 – Finding a literary agent is easy using our List of Book Agents with all book agents looking for new writers. Our free information includes new publishing agents and the Best Publishing Agents at the Top Publishing Agencies. Use our book agents website for all Book Agents Near Me searches such as NYC Publishing Agents and Los Angeles Book Agents. You can find literary agents for all book genres such as Young Adult Publishing Agents, Middle Grade Publishing Agents, and Picture Book Agents. And you can search for Christian Publishing Agents, Boutique Publishing AgentsBlack Publishing Agents, etc. We also have a list of the Best Books for Writers, and a free guide about How to Build an Author Website.

The official Directory of Book Agents™ is the most comprehensive collection of literary agencies information in print or online for finding a literary agent. Created by former AAR literary agent Mark Malatesta (see Reviews of Mark Malatesta here), the directory is free to use, and we’ve been told it’s the most up-to-date and easiest to use way to find a literary agent. Writers of fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books have used our Literary Agency Directory & Database to find literary agents. They’ve gotten offers of representation from some of the most powerful book agents in the United States such as: Bill Contardi, Sarah Jane Freymann, Mark Gottlieb, Felicia Eth, Harvey Klinger, Jill Marr, Don Fehr, Stephany Evans, Matthew Carnicelli, Jennifer Di Chiara, Jim Hart, and more.

FREE Literary Agents Information | Finding a Literary Agent

Most publishing agent information (print and online) is outdated, incomplete, and filled with mistakes. If you rely on that information for finding a literary agent or researching literary agencies, you’ll hurt your chances of getting published. Enter your name and email address below to access our book agent information now, and find a literary agent.

Get free, instant access to the following for finding a literary agent:

  • Profiles and bios (1,000+) for all literary agencies to find a literary agent
  • AAR membership status for all author representatives
  • Email addresses for all literary agencies to find a literary agent
  • Mailing addresses for all literary agencies to find a literary agent
  • Photos for every publishing agent
  • Preferred submission method (email, online form, postal mail) for all literary agencies
  • Website links for all literary agencies to find a literary agent
  • Social media profiles for all literary agencies to find a literary agent
  • Maps to the offices of all literary agencies to find a literary agent
  • Search literary agencies by genre (100+ categories) to find a literary agent
  • Search literary agencies by location to find a literary agent

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Find Literary Agencies for All Book Genres

Finding a literary agent is easy using our literary agencies website. We provide free information for all author searches related to publishing agents looking for new writers.

Popular finding a literary agent searches include:

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Finding a Literary Agent in the US | Literary Agencies

Scroll below to find a literary agent in the United States. Most literary agencies are located in New York. The second most popular location for book agencies is California. And some states don’t have any book agents.

USA Literary Agencies | Find Literary Agents Near Me

How many writer representatives working at literary agencies representing your book genre are located in your city or state? Scroll below to find out. After you click on one of the following links, enter your first name and email address for detailed information to find a literary agent near you.

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How to Find a Literary Agent – 4 Simple Steps

Read this short guide about how to find a literary agent before you start querying literary agencies. You will significantly increase your odds of finding a literary agent who wants to represent you. Use this checklist to find a literary agent today and improve your chances of getting one of the most successful literary agencies to offer you a literary agency agreement.

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Step 1: Categorize Your Book Using the Correct Genre

The first step to find a literary agent for your book is to classify your book properly. Many book authors struggle finding a literary agent because they categorize their books incorrectly. There are more than 100 popular book genres and even more sub-genres. In addition, some books can be called categorized using multiple book genres, and some books are considered “crossover” titles, meaning the appeal to readers of multiple book genres. If you want to find a literary agent, the first step is making sure you’re not confusing or misleading agents by calling your book something it’s not. Click here to learn more about Book Genres.

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Step 2: Know (and Follow) the Rules for Your Genre

The second step on our checklist to help you find a literary agent is to be aware of the expectations for your book genre. For example, is your word count within the normal range for your type of book? Different genres have different requirements, and your word count is just the beginning. Some book genres have more rules than others, so you’ll avoid a lot of time and headaches if you’re aware of them before you try to find a literary agent. And, if you’re aware of the rules before you write your book! Again, click here to learn more about Book Genres.

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Step 3: Find a Literary Agent Interested In Your Book Genre

The third step on our checklist to find a literary agent is to query the most successful book agents at the most successful literary agencies, interested in your genre. You can use the literary agencies information on our website to find a literary agent with a good track record who’s also looking for new authors. Simply read the agent bios on our publishing agents website to see which literary agencies are the most established with the most book agents seeking new writers and clients. Scroll below for free, instant access.

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Step 4: Create An Exceptional Pitch to Find a Literary Agent

The fourth and final step on our checklist to find a literary agent is to write an irresistible query letter, synopsis, and (if you’re a nonfiction author) book proposal. Click here for free access to our How to Write a Query Letter guide, and click here to learn how to Write a Synopsis for Literary Agents. If you have a question or comment about how to find a literary agent, you can click here to see our interactive FAQ page with The 50 Questions Authors Ask Most (with answers), and you can post your question about how to find a literary agent. And, lastly, if you want feedback about about your pitch materials, click here to find out if you’re a fit for an Introductory Author Coaching Call to help you find a literary agent.

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Be Our Next Success Story | Finding a Literary Agent

Authors of all book genres have used our publishing agents information for finding a literary agent to get offers of representation with some of the most powerful literary agencies and  book agents in the United States.

For example…

Literary Agencies Our Authors Have Gotten Offers From

Authors who’ve used our website for finding a literary agent have gotten offers from literary agencies such as:


  • A+B Works
  • AEI Entertainment (aka Atchity Entertainment)
  • Albert T. Longden Associates
  • Allen O’Shea Literary Agency
  • Anderson Literary Management
  • Brandt & Hochman
  • Canton Literary Management
  • Carnicelli Literary Management
  • D4EO Literary Agency
  • Dupree Miller and Associates, Inc.
  • Fine Print Lit
  • Fine Print Lit
  • Fresh Books Literary Agency
  • Gandolfo Helin & Fountain Literary Management
  • Gilbert Literary Agency
  • Hartline Literary Agency
  • Hartline Literary Agency
  • Harvey Klinger, Inc.
  • Harvey Klinger, Inc.
  • Helen Zimmermann Literary Agency
  • Jennifer Lyons Agency
  • Kimberley Cameron & Associates
  • Kraas Literary Agency
  • Langtons International Agency
  • Literary Services, Inc.
  • Loiacono Literary Agency
  • MacGregor Literary[/ezcol_1half][ezcol_1half_end]
  • Marianne Strong Literary Agency
  • Marianne Strong Literary Agency
  • New England Publishing Associates (NEPA)
  • Nine Speakers, Inc.
  • Olswanger Literary
  • Regina Ryan Books Literary Agency
  • Robert Lieberman Associates
  • Robin Mizell Ltd., Literary Representation
  • Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
  • Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
  • Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
  • Schiavone Literary Agency, Inc.
  • Sheil Land Associates
  • Sheree Bykofsky Associates
  • Susan Schulman Literary Agency
  • The Rudy Agency
  • The Rudy Agency
  • The Seymour Agency
  • The Stephanie Tade Agency
  • The Steve Laube Agency
  • Thompson Literary Agency
  • Trident Media
  • Trident Media Group
  • Victoria Sanders & Associates
  • Virginia Kidd Agency
  • Waterside Productions
  • Waxman Leavell Literary Agency
  • WordLink USA
  • Writer’s Side
  • And more[/ezcol_1half_end]

Book Agents Our Writers Have Gotten Offers From

Writers who’ve used our literary agencies information for finding a literary agent have gotten offers from book agents including:


  • Al Longden
  • Amy Jameson
  • Andrea Somberg
  • Anna Olswanger
  • Becky Vinter
  • Bethany Buck
  • Bill Contardi
  • Bob Diforio
  • Byrd Leavell
  • Chip MacGregor
  • Christine Cohen
  • Cindy Uh
  • Coleen O’Shea
  • Dan Balow
  • Dan Strone
  • David Nelson
  • Dean Krystek
  • Diane Flegal
  • Diane Nine
  • Don Fehr
  • Elizabeth “Liz” Kracht
  • Esmerantia Parnall-Gilbert
  • Harvey Klinger
  • Helen Zimmerman
  • Irene Kraas
  • Italia Gandolfo
  • Jak Burke
  • James Schiavone, Ed.D[/ezcol_1half][ezcol_1half_end]
  • Janet Rosen
  • Jennifer Lyons
  • Jill Marr
  • Jim Hart
  • John Willig
  • Joyce Holland
  • Kanishka Gupta
  • Karen Canton
  • Ken Atchity
  • Linda Langton
  • Marianne Strong
  • Mary Sue Seymour
  • Maryann Karinch
  • Matt Wagner
  • Matthew Carnicelli
  • Melissa Carrigee
  • Nena Madonia
  • Piers Blofeld
  • Rebecca Collazo
  • Regina Ryan
  • Robert H. Lieberman
  • Robin Mizell
  • Roger Williams
  • Sarah Jane Freymann
  • Sergei Tsimberov
  • Stephane Tade
  • Stephany Evans
  • Susan Schulman
  • Victoria Sanders
  • And more[/ezcol_1half_end]

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Find a Literary Agent 2024-2025 FREE ACCESS – Literary Agencies

Scroll below to find a literary agent who wants to represent you in our literary agencies database. It’s the most comprehensive (and accurate) resource for finding a literary agent in print or online. It’s also free and the easiest literary agencies resource to find a literary agent. Lastly, the literary agencies information on our website was created by, and is maintained by, a former AAR publishing agent. Our literary agencies website has everything you need to find a literary agent. Once you enter your first name and email address in the form below, you’ll also have access to the following:

  • Our Audio Training Library with insider information about finding a literary agent (free text transcripts also available)
  • The Ask a Question area of our website where you can ask questions about finding a literary agent
  • Our Radio Show about finding a literary agent with special guests, publishing industry executives, and bestselling authors
  • The Book Genre Dictionary with information about finding a literary agent by categorizing your book correctly
  • Author Coaching for finding a literary agent via phone or Skype during an introductory coaching session (fee required)
  • Articles and Updates about finding a literary agent in our email newsletter

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Get free access to the Directory of Literary Agents with detailed agent listings to get a traditional publisher
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Following up with Literary Agents

Should you follow up with literary agents you’ve queried who’ve requested more material? Absolutely. Read below to find out why, when, and how.

Please note: You should NOT follow up with book agents you’ve queried who haven’t requested more material. Odds are, and I mean 99.99%, they’re not interested. However, author representatives you’ve queried who’ve requested more material but haven’t yet responded might be interested. Even if it’s been months, or many months, since you sent them your work.

Here’s what you need to know…

7 Reasons to Follow Up with Literary Agents

Tip #1: Finding a Literary Agent
If you don’t follow up with book agents, you might not get an offer for representation. During my tenure as an author coach, I’ve seen many instances where my clients submitted requested material to literary agencies and never heard back. I always encourage my clients to follow up because, sometimes, those literary agencies reply positively. In some cases (more than you might imagine), book agents ask that the material be resent because they didn’t receive it the first time.

Tip #2: Find a Literary Agent
Following up is normal. Try not to overthink or get emotional about following up. Until a literary agency offers to represent you, your writing is going to be more important to you than the literary agencies you’re querying. That means it’s up to you to make sure your material is delivered. If a literary agent requests additional material after you query him or her (email submissions only), and you don’t receive confirmation within 72 hours the material was received, send a brief and polite follow-up to confirm receipt. I reply every time one of my coaching clients sends me absolutely anything. Why? It’s professional, I don’t want my clients wondering if I got what they sent me, and I don’t want them needing to follow up with me to be sure. Plus, if I didn’t do that, my email inbox would be even fuller than it already is. With follow-up emails!

Tip #3: Finding a Literary Agent
Once you have the best manuscript and pitch materials possible, there are only two things you can do to increase your
Odds of Getting a Literary Agent: 1) Query literary agencies until you run out of agents, and 2) Follow up.

Tip #4: Find a Literary Agent
Some literary agents ask authors to follow up.
Even if book agents who request your writing don’t ask you to do this, they should give you the courtesy of following up. Especially after getting you excited by asking for more material, to let you know if they’re still interested or passing on the project. If they don’t have the decency to do that, they should expect you to follow up, and they shouldn’t be irritated or snarky when you do. Instead, they should appreciate you extending them the courtesy of a follow-up, and they should appreciate the opportunity to consider your work. Many writer representatives feel and act that way; some don’t. Regardless, that’s what you and your writing deserve.

Tip #5: Finding a Literary Agent
Following up can result in you getting an offer for representation faster (this isn’t as obvious as it sounds).
A simple follow-up can cause a book agent to read, or finish reading, your material faster than if you don’t follow up (as long as you don’t do it too soon). In other words, the literary agency might make your project a priority. And, if the literary agency never received the requested material, your follow-up will allow the literary agent to finally read your book.

Tip #6: Find a Literary Agent
Closure is important mentally.
Querying book agents can be extremely challenging psychologically—even if you’re a macho ex-military guy who’s spent his entire life in a sales job. If you don’t do what you can to get closure with literary agents who’ve requested your writing, it can create “ants in your head” regarding what may or may not be happening with those agents. That can cause you to stop querying. No matter how good or bad your reality is with literary agencies, my experience says you’re going to be more productive and empowered if you know what your reality is. If you don’t, it’s too easy to imagine the best or worst. Neither of those things are good. It’s best to try and not think or feel anything in that regard when submitting your writing to literary agencies. Just keep querying and following up.

Tip #7: Finding a Literary Agent
Email, website forms, and postal mail aren’t perfect (so, in some cases, you should follow up by phone).
I typically get 50-60 emails a day and, as you can imagine, I send quite a few as well. I don’t think a week goes by that something someone sends me doesn’t arrive, and/or something I send someone else doesn’t arrive. I’d curse technology but that might come back to haunt me, so, never mind that. The point is you should consider following up by phone. That is, if an agent requested your full manuscript or book proposal, it’s been 12-16 weeks, and you’ve sent two email follow-ups that haven’t been replied to. Some book agents might not like you doing this, but see what I said in reason #4 (above) regarding my view that book agents who ask for your material should have the decency to reply.

The bottom line with following up is…
what do you have to lose?

And, since you might be wondering what typical turnaround times are for literary agents who’ve requested material (broken down for different types of books and scenarios), click here to see my Literary Agent Response Time article.


Finding a Literary Agent – Locate USA Literary Agencies

USA Literary Agencies and Literary Agents – Literary Works

This webpage about Literary Works is part of a series discussing literary agencies and Literary Agents Seeking New Clients. Don’t submit a query letter to Literary Works because they're on our list of literary agencies that have closed their doors or changed their...

USA Literary Agencies and Literary Agents – Veritas Media

This webpage about Veritas Media is part of a series discussing literary agencies and Literary Agents Seeking New Clients. Don’t submit a query letter to Veritas Media because they're on our list of literary agencies that have closed their doors or changed their name....

USA Literary Agencies and Literary Agents – Ann Elmo Agency

This webpage about the Ann Elmo Agency is part of a series discussing literary agencies and Literary Agents Seeking New Clients. Don’t submit a query letter to the Ann Elmo Agency because they're on our list of literary agencies that have closed their doors or changed...


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Directory Features

  • 1,000+ agent profiles and bios
  • Searchable by book genre/category
  • Preferred query method(s)
  • AAR membership status
  • Personal email addresses
  • Mailing addresses
  • Agent photos
  • Links to agency websites
  • Maps to agency offices

About Mark Malatesta

Photo of Mark Malatesta - Former Literary Agent MARK MALATESTA is a former literary agent turned author coach. Mark now helps authors of all genres (fiction, nonfiction, and children's books) get top literary agents, publishers, and book deals through his company Literary Agent Undercover and The Bestselling Author. Mark's authors have gotten six-figure book deals, been on the NYT bestseller list, and published with houses such as Random House, Scholastic, and Thomas Nelson. Click here to learn more about Mark Malatesta and click here for Reviews of Mark Malatesta.
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