The Directory of Literary Agents
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Literary Agent Directory
Important: Visit each agent’s website (links in their listings below) to see if they’re open to submissions before querying.
Jennie Dunham
Jennie Dunham is a literary agent with Dunham Literary. Jennie has been a literary agent in New York, New York since May 1992. In August 2000 she founded Dunham Literary, Inc. She has been a member of AAR (Association of Authors Representatives) since 1993. She served on the Program Committee and was Program Committee Director for several years. She was also a member of the Electronic Committee. In 1996 she attended the US/China Joint Women in Business conference in Beijing where she gave a presentation about literary agents in the US. She also attended the NGO Forum at the International Women’s Conference.
She attended international meetings as the AAR representative to create the ISTC (International Standard Text Code) which is being created to ISO (International Standardization Organization) specifications. This business and tracking system will be based on titles not book formats (as is the case with ISBN) and will work in tandem with ISBN. She started her career at John Brockman Associates and then Mildred Marmur Associates. She was employed by Russell & Volkening for 6 years before she left to found Dunham Literary, Inc. She frequently speaks at writers’ conferences and events.
CLOSED to Submissions | Member of the AALA |Picture Book | Juvenile Nonfiction | Middle Grade Fiction | Middle Grade Nonfiction | Young Adult Fiction | Young Adult Nonfiction | Crime Fiction | General Fiction | Graphic Novel | Literary Fiction | Mystery | Upmarket Fiction |General Nonfiction | Biography | Current Events Affairs | History | Memoir | Mind Body Spirit | Narrative Nonfiction | Parenting | Politics | Religion | Spirituality | Upmarket Nonfiction |
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