The Directory of Literary Agents
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Literary Agent Directory
Important: Visit each agent’s website (links in their listings below) to see if they’re open to submissions before querying.
Colleen Oefelein
Colleen Oefelein is a literary agent with MacGregor & Luedeke. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering with a focus in Biotechnology and a Bachelor of Science in German with a minor in International Business, both from Penn State.
With over a decade of experience in the publishing industry, Colleen has worked at a couple literary agencies as both an associate agent and PR manager. SheÕs hosted numerous ÒPitch PerfectÓ and ÒRejection CorrectionÓ workshops on Facebook and at conferences nationwide and mentored several authors one-on-one through online pitch contests such as Pitch Wars.
Also an author of young adult fantasy and memoir, Colleen has a deep appreciation for bond between an author and their art as well as a keen understanding of the PR world, having been featured in People Magazine, on Inside Edition, Fox NewsÕs Tucker Carlson and on 20/20.
Colleen is a disabled veteran living in Alaska with her husband, son, and boerboel. A former 911 call taker and dispatcher for Alaska State Troopers, she has a soft spot for veterans and law enforcement families. In her spare time, she enjoys the outdoors and teaches creative writing workshops and Irish dance to homeschoolers.
As a literary agent, Colleen is looking for romanceÐheart-rending love stories in most sub-genres (no erotica) and romantic suspense, as well as young adult and adult fiction: harsh and sobering contemporary, low fantasy, urban fantasy, paranormal, unusual re-tellings, suspense and thriller. In nonfiction, sheÕs interested in proposals for high-profile crime memoir, whistleblower memoir and narrative nonfiction on the subjects of science or medicine.
CLOSED to Submissions | Member of the AALA |Middle Grade Fiction | Young Adult Fiction | Action Adventure | Commercial Fiction | Contemporary Fiction | Crime Fiction | Fantasy | Historical Fiction | Horror | Inspirational Fiction | LGBTQ Fiction | Magical Realism | Multicultural Fiction | Mystery | New Adult Fiction | Romance | Science Fiction | Suspense Fiction | Thriller |Celebrity | Medical Medicine | Memoir | Military War Nonfiction | Narrative Nonfiction | Science | Sports | True Crime |
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