Lucinda Literary is located in New York City, NY. Established in 2011, this agency accepts query letters from authors of fiction, children’s fiction, and nonfiction books.
If you want to get a literary agent with Lucinda Literary, use the List of Literary Agents in our Directory of Literary Agents™ to find out which agent is the best suited to represent your book. You should also click here to see if this agency appears on our list of Top Literary Agencies, and click here to see if any of the literary agents who work at this agency appear on our list of Best Literary Agents. When you enter the directory, you’ll be able to see complete profiles for every literary agent at Lucinda Literary, and every other literary agency.
Bio – Lucinda Literary
Lucinda Literary is a literary management firm championing the emerging voices and leading thinkers of today. Led by Lucinda Halpern, who has decades of experience guiding authors to break-out success and long-lasting careers, we specialize in books that change the way people behave, work, and live.
In practical nonfiction, their emphasis is on popular science, big idea, and thought leadership books. In narrative nonfiction and memoir, they elevate stories that challenge the status quo, shine a light on little-known subjects, and read like fiction. For fiction itself, they fall in love with voice-driven, emotionally raw novels with literary and commercial appeal. And in children’s books, they adore unconventionally told stories that transport them.
Their strong backgrounds in marketing and broad media and film relationships enable them to be strategists and advocates not just for the books, but for the long-term careers of their authors. They take on a small number of new clients by design, which allows them to be attentive, hands-on, and editorially invested.
They distinguish themselves from other agencies in their holistic, innovative approach to client representation, and they are “all in” invested partners. They help authors generate their best ideas and excel at developing books from the ground up, often pairing authors with their stable of bestselling writers to bring their book ideas to life.
Submit your Query – Lucinda Literary
Before you query Lucinda Literary, make sure you have the most up-to-date information by looking in our Directory of Literary Agents™. There is no charge to use the directory. It’s easy to use. And it contains detailed biographical and contact information for all literary agents. When you enter the Directory of Literary Agents™, you’ll also get free, instant access to our article and audio library with additional information to help you get a top literary agent, publisher, and book deal.
The Directory of Literary Agents™ has been called the most comprehensive and accurate list of literary agencies and agents available today, in print or online. Other literary agent lists and directories are often incomplete, outdated, and filled with mistakes. The Directory of Literary Agents™ is completely up-to-date with full profiles and photographs for every agent in the United States. There are more than 1,000 literary agent listings and you can search by location, book genres, AAR status, and more.
Scroll below to see a sample listing and then enter the directory to see all literary agents listings for Lucinda Literary.
Lucinda Literary – Profiles
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If you want the most accurate information available for book agents at Lucinda Literary, enter your first name and email address for free instant access to the Directory of Literary Agents™. As soon as you register you’ll get instant access to the following:
* Agent bios for all book agents at this agency
* AAR membership status for all publishing agents
* Personal email addresses for all book agents
* Mailing addresses for all publishing agents
* Agent photos for all literary agents
* Preferred query letter methods (email, online form, postal mail)
* A link to this agency’s website
* A map to the office of this agency
* Access to all book agent profiles in the Directory of Literary Agents™ (1,000+)
Enter the Directory – Lucinda Literary
Before you submit a query letter to a literary agent at Lucinda Literary, make sure the information you’re using is correct. Most literary agency directories and lists, in print and online, aren’t maintained properly. They’re incomplete, outdated, and have lots of mistakes. If you rely on those literary agency lists or directories to find literary agents with Lucinda Literary or any other literary agencies, you’re going to hurt your chances of getting a book agent. Get free access now to the Directory of Literary Agents™ for the most up-to-date information and listings for all literary agents with Lucinda Literary.